Magical Dogs

Those who have them would tell that all doggos are magical. Some are mysterious and wise beyond their means. This table is for the GM to use when a player gains a dog or wolf familiar, companion, or pet. Roll 1d10 secretly, and the players can find out when it happens.   1: Bestest Doggo. The dog is actually a Hound Archon, and can Smite Evil with its bite once per day for an additional +5 damage, and will bring your slippers and/or newspaper on command. It judges when you make bad moral choices.   2: Bad Dog. The dog is a wildly, and dangerously, misidentified juvenile Hell Hound. Once per day it can breathe fire for 3d4 fire damage (Reflex DC 13 for half), and will chew your party members’ shoes beyond repair and throw up acidic bile into your bedroll. But you really love it.   3: Weredog. The dog turns into Hans, a really confused shepherd, for three nights a month. He has no special powers, but he’s pretty handy at getting in the sheep, one way or another.   4: Smol Pupper. The dog is very young and small, and has a +6 bonus to its Charisma score. It has no way of using this particularly, but it is noticeably cute.   5: Such Doggo, Much Confuse, Wow. The dog is perpetually confused, and any Handle Animal checks used on it take a -5 penalty. However, if it is affected by a Confusion effect, it gains perfect understanding of Common and any Handle Animal checks used on it automatically succeed.   6: Eager Dog. Any Handle Animal checks to get it to fetch things gain a +5 bonus, and once it has been taught, it will do those on command without a Handle Animal check required.   7: Loyal Hound. This dog gains a +4 morale bonus against any Intimidate checks or against Fear effects, and grants +2 to these saves to anyone touching them.   8: Bloodthirsty. The dog gains a +1 bonus on attack and +2 to all damage rolls. It is aggressive to everyone who comes anywhere near it.   9: Good Hunter. The dog gains a +4 bonus on Survival checks to follow a trail or locate prey.   10: Protector Dog. The dog gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls when it is adjacent to a member of its pack (as decided by the dog). It will generally be aggressive towards anyone who is not part of its pack who is adjacent to one of its pack members, whoever they are.

Cover image: by Brevis


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