Brazen White Bulb Conquering Red Blossom Character in Arendor | World Anvil

Brazen White Bulb Conquering Red Blossom

Gnoll Chieftain Brazen White Bulb Conquering Red Blossom (a.k.a. Warby)

A gnoll of enormous stature.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Warby is enormous even for a gnoll, easily dwarfing even gnoll women. It's said this is owed to his half flind nature, being an unusual combination of both species of gnoll.

Body Features

He's covered in whitish fur with a hint of purple in the roots. A small shortsword is embedded in his right shoulder, though it doesn't seem to hinder him in combat. Faded scars from an earnestly lived youth give credit to a battleworn chieftain.

Facial Features

The only particular about Warby's face is the ceremonial armored eye cover he's rarely without.

Identifying Characteristics

Enormous towering physique and unique fur color mark him as easily identified by anybody who knows his description.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The details of Warby's early years were simple. Gnolls keep an oral tradition, recording events in the form of fable and song. It is there where history is made, kings crowned, names earned. Brazen was given to White Bulb after attempting a foolhardy plan on a group of Flinds, not believing the danger they posed due to his own enormous size. Half-flind he may be, a fullblood is much bigger. This battle marked the end of his companionship, losing a childhood partner as consequence.   Despair took Warby for some time after the death of his partner. The flinds had taken so much and now, to him, they'd taken everything. A fire smouldered in his soul, a desperate need now to exact vengeance on the ones who'd taken so much from everybody and everything from him. Experience may bridge the gap between him and a single flind but in any greater number he would stand no chance. He needed a new partner, a new destructive beast capable of standing toe to nail with a Flind, and he'd heard rumours in the far northlands of such a class of ferocious beast. So he set out to find one.   The journey through Aethoria was easy enough, it was just a simple land with mild weather and nature. Beyond the Frostwall though... was something else entirely. A brief stop let him resupply from his trek through Aethoria and armed him with the information necessary for figuring out where he's actually meant to be going. By a stroke of luck, Thorgil Axebearer happened to be purchasing supplies from the same store Warby was. A famed hunter in Frostwall and extremely knowledgable, he was able to tell the strange gnoll all about whatever he asked and offered to take him most of the way since he had business in Stonemantle.    They departed the morning after and set off on their journey through the icy barrens. It would take about two weeks to Stonemantle and another 2 weeks from there to Reavefar due to the unrefined routes to the northmost city. In the two weeks spent together, Thorgil was able to show Warby many specificities about living out on the ice. Safe shelter, how to hunt, what creatures to look out for. Valestria had its own slew of issues but the harsh north of Brakkar Hold was solely unique.    It was a relatively uneventful journey, Thorgil was beyond skilled enough to keep them away from any real danger. The true journey would begin when they separated and Warby would have to truly fend for himself. It was nothing new to him but the particularities were different. Not as much as they otherwise would be without Thorgil's instruction though.    There had always been interspecies hatred between the Flind and Gnolls, the latter being dominated by the former. It was not uncommon to see gnolls enslaved by their physical superiors and forced to live like slaves. They were uncommon, but frequent enough that gnolls can't gather in large communities for fear of being raided. White Bulb had hated them intrinsically but now he had a personal vendetta. No more would the Flind continue to plague Valestria. They will fall and White Bulb would be the one leading the charge.

Gender Identity



gnoll pussy goes hard

Accomplishments & Achievements

Early in his adulthood, Warby begun collecting the scattered gnoll clans under one banner with one goal in mind- to finally remove the Flind and carve out a section of Valestria they could be safe.   Warby is one of if not the only non-Reaver to have mastered and tamed one of their enormous megafauna. He lived near Reavefar and was a general nuisance for so long that they felt the easiest course of action was to just bring him into the village and train him.

Failures & Embarrassments

An early blunder earned him the prefix of Brazen. Flinds are fewer than Gnolls but are far more powerful, something Warby learned the hard way. Due to his own enormous size the only help he'd ever needed was his companion hyena (name).   A smaller trio of Flinds had been spotted outside the village and Warby set off to deal with them before they caused any issues. It was rare any other bipedal creature was bigger than he was, but a fullblooded Flind are one of the few. It was a pitched battle, leaving Warby with a slain companion and a gnashed body, earning him the various scars that can be seen faded on him now. After that catastrophic failure, he would never let an opportunity slip by to kill the enemy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though gnolls are typically highly intelligent and Warby is no exception, his intelligence primarily lies in his excellent martial prowess and what they call fight IQ. Long term thinking bores him but the thrill of making moment to moment decisions is second to none.

Morality & Philosophy

The preservation and progression of Gnolls takes precedent over almost everything.   Rally to conquer difficult challenges but leave the meek to their troubles. Their squabbles can be solved by mundane means and are beneath you.   The matters of other races are their own and you should not involve yourself overly unless completely necessary.   Suffer no dishonor but do not shame the honor of the Kholo. There will be a time and place for everything eventually.

The current leader of the largest plurality of gnolls after reuniting the remnants of a war.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Fur
7'4 (hunched)
Known Languages
Valestrian, Gnoll, Common


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