Beregond Steadfast Character in Arendor | World Anvil

Beregond Steadfast

Beregond Steadfast, the Stalwart Shield of Eldersfield, is a dwarf of unwavering determination, as resolute as the mountains from whence he hails. His bald head shines like polished stone under the sunlight, a gleaming counterpoint to the long, blonde beard that ripples like a golden waterfall, providing a touch of warmth to his granite-like appearance. Born amid the peaks and valleys of Cragmoor, Beregond's heart is as steadfast as the mountains that raised him.   From a young age, Beregond was instilled with the virtues of Cragmoor - strength, endurance, and above all, perseverance. These lessons were learned not only from the dwarven elders but also from the mountains themselves, teaching him that endurance is as much a part of life as the very air one breathes. And so, Beregond grew to embody these values, his steadfastness earning him his surname.   In the heat of battle, Beregond is the unyielding bulwark of the Saviors of Eldersfield, standing his ground against insurmountable odds. His indomitable spirit resonates in each crash of his warhammer, and his sturdiness holds the line, allowing his comrades the freedom to strategize and strike. To Beregond, every fight is a testament to his commitment, his resolve never faltering, even under the shadow of defeat.   Off the battlefield, Beregond's steadfast nature is not less evident. He is the rock that the Saviors of Eldersfield rely on, his unwavering presence a comforting constancy in their ever-changing lives. His deep, rumbling laughter is a familiar sound in their gatherings, his stories of Cragmoor a source of inspiration and camaraderie.   Beregond's edicts revolve around the principles of duty and honor. He believes in upholding one's commitments, no matter the cost. Just as the mountain stands firm, resisting the elements, so too does Beregond stand by his word, unyielding in the face of adversity. His respect for law and order is an integral part of his character, seeing the importance of structure and discipline in maintaining harmony.   His anathemas, in contrast, are dishonor and deceit. Beregond views any breach of trust as a grave insult, for it undermines the very foundation of society. Likewise, he disdains those who shirk their duties or responsibilities, seeing it as a sign of weakness and unreliability. In the world of Beregond Steadfast, the granite-like dwarf of Cragmoor, honor and duty are not mere words, but a way of life.
Light Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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