Eledhwen Lightfell Character in Arendor | World Anvil

Eledhwen Lightfell

Eledwhen Lightfell, the Feathered Healer of Eldersfield, is as enigmatic as his species, the Tengu. His entire being echoes the midnight hue of his crow-kin, down to the sharp, black beak and his sleek, black feathers that glisten with a tinge of cobalt in the right light. Yet, his attire is a stark contrast to his raven palette. He adorns himself with robes of black and gold, making him a striking figure, an embodiment of night touched with auric highlights.   Eledwhen's path to becoming a healer was as winding as the roads of life. It was born from a tragedy that left his heart heavy as a stone. In his younger days, Eledwhen's curiosity was not directed towards the arts of healing, but the thrill of the fight. Yet, fate deemed it necessary to steer him on a different path. During a skirmish that turned deadly, he was unable to save a dear comrade due to his lack of medical knowledge. From that day forth, he committed himself to learning the arts of medicine, so no comrade would fall while he stood helpless.   As the medic of the Saviors of Eldersfield, he has saved countless lives with his deft hands and vast knowledge. His healing arts are not merely bound to physical wounds, for Eledwhen also serves as a balm to the weary souls in his team, often providing words of solace and comfort in times of despair. His approach to healing is holistic, encompassing both body and spirit, for he believes in nurturing the entirety of the individual.   Eledwhen is bound by an ethos that is uniquely his own. He firmly believes in the sanctity of life, vowing to protect and cherish it in all its forms. He sees the beauty in chaos, viewing it as a necessary agent of change and progress, much like how a wound must first cause pain before it heals. His healing is as much about acceptance as it is about change - learning to accept the scars of the past while continuously striving for a healthier future.   On the contrary, his anathemas are rooted in the neglect of life and the refusal to adapt. He sees harm in holding onto past traumas without seeking healing or progress. Similarly, he finds a lack of compassion and understanding a great sin, for he believes every being deserves empathy and support in their journey of healing. Through his endeavours, Eledwhen Lightfell, the crow-like Tengu, weaves his story, providing solace and recovery in the chaotic world of Thallindor.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Feathers


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