
Perched within the embrace of the Western Frosthaven Peaks lies Flameguard, a city whose heart and soul are as much beneath the earth as above it. Carved into the mountainside, it presents a visage of terraced stone and ice to the world, while its subterranean half delves deep into the mountain's core. This sprawling underground network of caverns and tunnels is the source of its lifeblood, housing the famed forges and mines that yield the continent's richest veins of cold iron and Frosthaven silver.   The Hearthstone Hall, resting atop Flameguard, serves as the city's crown and the focal point for the vibrant Flame Festival, where the surface's cold bite is forgotten in the warmth of celebration and the glow of the eternal flame. Below, the city's underground half thrums with the clangor of hammers and the glow of molten metal, where the forges burn day and night, crafting weapons and wares that are the envy of Thallindor.   The underground city is a marvel of dwarven engineering and human determination, with vast halls illuminated by luminescent fungi and everburning torches, casting dancing shadows on walls encrusted with mineral veins. Here, the Night Market thrives, a place where the surface's chill never reaches, and traders from across the lands gather to barter for Flameguard's precious metals.   The city's defenses are as formidable as its economy, with the surface's massive ice-stone gate mirrored by colossal underground gates that can seal Flameguard from any subterranean threats. The warriors of the Flameguard, trained in the echoing chambers beneath the peaks, are as familiar with battle in the lightless depths as they are in the snow-blanketed expanses of Brakkar Hold.   Flameguard's unique dual existence makes it a city of contrasts: the silent, snow-laden peaks above and the roaring forges below; the open sky and the enclosed earth; the bitter wind and the embracing warmth. It is a city that not only stands against the cold but embraces it, turning the harshness of its environment into the crucible from which its strength is forged.



Flameguard is governed by the Council of the Hearth, an assembly of the city's most esteemed figures, including mine leaders, master smiths, and seasoned warriors. Decisions are made through deliberation and consensus, with the council's decrees echoing the will of both the surface and the depths.


The city's defenses are twofold: the towering ice-and-stone gate on the surface and the reinforced stone gates underground. The Flameguard warriors are trained for combat in both environments, and magical wards are placed throughout to protect against arcane threats.

Industry & Trade

Mining is the lifeblood of Flameguard, with its cold iron and silver being its primary exports. The city also excels in metalwork and alchemy, with goods flowing through its gates to all corners of Thallindor.


The city's infrastructure is a blend of surface and subterranean engineering. The surface boasts sturdy stone buildings, while the underground is a network of expansive caverns, all connected by lifts and pulleys. The thermal vents of the mountains are harnessed for heat and energy, fueling the city's forges and homes.


The Gateward Heights: The fortified surface district housing the grand gate and Flameguard's military barracks.   The Hearthstone Depths: The subterranean central district, home to the council and the main marketplace.   The Silver Vein Quarters: The mining district, rich in Frosthaven silver and the heart of the underground city.   The Iron Ring: The industrial district with forges and smithies, where cold iron is shaped into tools and weapons.


Flameguard's primary assets are its rich mines, producing cold iron and Frosthaven silver, and its masterful craftsmanship in metalwork. The city's strategic location and its control over these resources make it an economic powerhouse.

Guilds and Factions

The Keepers of the Flame: A guild that maintains the Eternal Flame and organizes its yearly transport to Stonemantle.   The Silverhands Guild: A collective of miners and smiths specializing in silver extraction and crafting.   The Iron Brotherhood: A faction of warriors and blacksmiths dedicated to the art of cold iron forging.


The city of Flameguard was founded as a fortress outpost, its position critical for defending the western regions of Brakkar Hold. Over time, it grew prosperous through its rich mines. The Eternal Flame, a symbol of enduring strength and unity, is held within Flameguard's deepest chamber. Once a year, this flame is carried in a solemn procession to Stonemantle to initiate the Council of the Flame meeting, a tradition that reinforces Flameguard's integral role in the governance and spirit of Brakkar Hold.
Settlement Level
Owning Organization
Brief Description
The flaming heart of Brakkar Hold.
Council (Tribal)
Tunrei, Common, Dwarven, Draconic, Elven
Jarak, Thalor, Zephyros, Thalor, Vaeloria, Zaelor
Dimming Eternal Flame, Underground Earthquakes, Stolen caches, Unearthed horrors
The Flame Within
It is easier to craft with precious metals within the city. Reduce the material cost by 20% when crafting with precious materials.

Durgan Frostbeard
(Lawful Good, Male, Dwarf, Master Miner): Oversees the deepest excavations and is known for his unyielding spirit and encyclopedic knowledge of the mountains.
Helena Truebow
(Neutral Good, Female, Human, Captain of the Watch): A tactical genius who commands the city's defenses with precision and unwavering focus.
Illythian Starborn
(Chaotic Neutral, Male, Elf, Arcane Scholar): Studies ancient magics and is fascinated by the properties of cold iron and Frosthaven silver.
Brakki Quickpick
(Lawful Neutral, Male, Kobold, Underground Guide): A resourceful navigator of the underground city who knows its secrets like no other.
Tora Iceheart
(Chaotic Good, Female, Dwarf, Alchemist): Her potent brews are as sought after as her fiery temper is feared, especially when it comes to protecting the city's treasures.


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