Goq-Ixai Character in Arendor | World Anvil


Goq-Ixai (a.k.a. The Smiting Star)

Goq-Ixai is a small but stout figure, with an inquisitive mind spawned from his travels about the world. This travelling and learning of the world has left him as a jack of all trades, rarely encountering an obstacle he is incapable of navigating, though the workings of magic are the one thing he would consider a bit tricky. That, and performing before an audience. Goq's skills lie in subtely, oddly in contrast to his stocky frame. Talents which have let him survive and, over the years, more smoothly navigate the world as he seeks the limits of what the world can still teach him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Goq-Ixai? Ha! Course I know 'im! Practically raised that beanpole!" Grimol Kravok took a deep drag of his pipe, "Knew him from the time he was not but a sprout. Stockier n' the rest of his sort mind ye, but no less funny lookin. Was curious so I asked his parents n' the rest of the tribe some questions about his kin and their history, but wasn't something they cared to enlighten me on. Seemed a bit trepadacious about the 'ole thing. Who can say," the old dwarf gave a light shrug, letting out a puff of smoke as he did.   "Any case, I might've met him then, but we didn't truly meet for about 10 or so years after. I'd opted to cut through a dangerous route to speed things along since we were behind schedule on a delivery. Wouldn'ta risked it, but you know how some of those noble types get over in Ironclad. Ran into a great ol' Roc we did. Must've been in a right foul mood since it started ripping into my men and their horses before we'd even fired off a bolt. Tried to break away and spread out. Was lookin bleak when it got a hold of the ox on the wagon. Then Goq slapped that beast outta the sky! Like Zephyros tossed down a star to smite him outta the sky!" Grimol chuckled, "That's how I came up with that title for 'im. Catchy eh?"   "Ah, but I'm getting sidetracked. Was a powerful blow, but the bird still had some fight in 'im. The way that little grippli seemed to dance through the air swatting the great beast down was something that always intrigued me. Some strange fighting style of his tribe I imagine. Made good use of those slight frames, but it really shined with Goq's unique musclature. "   "Took some doing, but we eventually bested it, but a few of the lads didn't pull through. Was a harsh lesson and one I've taken care to not repeat. Goq knew of a cave close by that would be a bit safer than trying to haul out of there while we were still battered and we took a few days to recover. Lad took most the watches even though he wasn't much better off than the rest of us. I'd stay awake with him long as I could tellin stories about traveling round the world. And he soaked 'em up! Many questions as he had, maybe it was the curiosity keepin him standin, ha haha!"   "Few days pass'd by quick enough, and the I was surprised when the youngin asked to join up with us. Said he felt like he needed to see more of the world. Had some questions about good ol' Zephyros as well and I was all too eager to help him with both. Owed him a lot more than words, that's for certain. Took a short detour back to his village, he chatted with his folks for a bit. Tribe seemed a little over eager to see him move along. Might be somethin to do with his unnatural grippli form. Bit disquieting to them it seemed like. Gave 'im a wide berth. Any case, didn't take long for him to say his good byes and his mood brightened up once I started weaving some stories for 'im to listen to."   "Had a lot to learn about the world from outside his jungle. Taught him up quick. Little bit of salesmanship and some of the more, eh, *discreet* methods of moving and acquiring things throughout the kingdoms. Nearly got us into trouble right off in Ironhold when he nearly brained some merchant got into a spat with a tailor. He wasn't keen on letting the fellow insult him and that tailor without getting a good thrashing, not that the man didn't have it coming. Thankfully Caarta was around and managed to drag him away before he got himself into trouble. Had to explain some of the rules of the place. Hierarchies and laws n' that. He wasn't too keen on a lot of it, but kept himself out of trouble…for the most part."   "We crossed over Valestria to Dawnhold to move some ore. Favor I owed after that late shipment. Turned out for the best, as the lads wanderlust I think fired up my own, and it'd been a few years since I'd gone much farther. So we made some quick deals and swung down to Suncall, then down to Aegis Port. Oasin was having some difficulty with sand sharks. Had been a big spawning year for them eventually and they'd been getting brave. We took on a few extra guards and went with another group to cross past, but Goq was itching to help clean out those sharks. I think he was just lookin to take out his frustrations from back in Cragmoor on the poor beasts, hehe. When they found us, he sure gave them a smashing though. Convinced me to help chase them back to their next to cut their numbers. Apparently he'd caught wind there'd be a reward for anyone would could help thin the numbers, paid by tail. He said something about balancing the ecosystem, but I'm sure I could see a little glint of gold in those eyes. Hooked me in easy enough with the money they were offering at least."   "Went sailing to Sargus after, against my better judgement. Turned out well enough though. Was a book merchant making his way back to Illuminar and Goq set up a nice little rental deal while they were aboard. Boy sucked down books like a dwarf does ale. Was reading up on cultures, languages, medicine, you name it. Even found this weird scroll in some language or another about staff techniques. E' said it was "enlightening". Looked like a bunch of pictures of even ganglier elves with sticks to me. Certainly made him a frustrating little bastard to spar against. Also started wearing that silver feather I gave 'im. Havent caught him saying any prayers but I know he's in ol' Gale Whispers sway. Hard to resist when I paint him so beautifully, heh!"   "And speakin o' the god of the gale, boy must have a blessin of sorts! Never seen a man so close to achieving flight by the power of his legs alone. Seen him nearly leap right to the top of the main sail in one go, and that aint no fib! Really wish his tribe had given some answers... Curious as he is about everything, I'm sure he'll figure it out if it starts getting in his head. Hasn't ever seen to ask me about it though, so maybe it doesn't quite itch his brain way it does mine. But I noticed more of the oddities as we travel. Has some circular bits of dark bone or chitin growing from his back that are a bit strange for his race. His feet keeping constantly wrapped and a bit malformed from the grippli norm too. Also swear I've noticed those red n' black spots of his moving about his body like they've a mind of their own. And his frame with those big ol mits as well! He's obviously got the blood of some powerful creature in his veins. Cant help but wonder exactly what though..."   "I digress. From there we got up to some grand ol' mis-adventures. Made some good friends over in Illuminar, started to head up to Brakkar's but Goq was none too fond of that level of cold. Got as far as Frostwall and he'd wanted no more of that, hahaha. Cant say I'm to fond myself in these late years. Cuts right through to the bones. Went back to Illuminar after that to help out Goq's book merchant acquaintance. Terry or Cherry or somein…cut back to to Mistmourne and didn't stay long. Place always sets my beard a twitchin. Then stayed in Steelspike awhile to help clear out some orcs my boys had dug into at one of the mines. All told we had ourselves a grand little adventure, but at that point I was ready to pull up a chair and let these young folk take the reins for a while."   Grimol pats the edge of his cushy armchair and heaves a deep sigh. "After that he said he was headin' home for a bit. Checkin in on the folks I imagine. Grippli ain't the longest lived of folks, so I imagine he'll be spending some time there. Wont stay forever though, I can promise ye that. He's got Zephyros in his heart, and that stars still got shining to do."


Goq's been through several non-traditional schools. Learning survival and how to hunt and fight from his home in the jungle. Being introduced to some of the more unscrupulous tradescraft from his dwarven merchant and smuggling friend, and having a chance to refine them as he traveled about the world. While traveling, he has also ingested a great deal of books covering a range of topics from magic to sciences and history. His studies ran less deep than broad, giving him a little bit of knowledge in many subjects.

Personality Characteristics


Goq has only been wandering the world of Arendor for a slim number of years, but with each new place travelled to he has learned something new, and is eager to reach all the far corners of the world to find what other skills he can hone and secrets he can discover.   There is a small part of him as well that hopes his accomplishments will reach the ears of his tribe, and change the way they think of their demon-blooded kin. Maybe even convince more of his people to explore the world themselves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While possessing many talents, Goq struggles in social encounters with charasmatic or powerful figures. Largely due to his tribes ostricization of the mixed-blooded grippli, he lacks a lot the normal social equittes. His dwarven traveling companion has helped to bring him out of that shell a bit, but he still stuggles in large crowds or when attempting to carry a conversation with the earlier mentioned types of individuals.

Likes & Dislikes

Goq enjoys reading and learning new things, seeing new sights and generally sating his curiousity around things he encounters.   Goq dislikes many of the laws in "civilized" societies, and will choose the path he thinks is correct regardless of said laws, unless they would bring danger to his allies.


Contacts & Relations

Grimol Kravok - Dwarven travelling companion who showed Goq the ropes of mercantile and theivery. Getting into his twilight years, he resides comfortably at his manor residence close to Steelspike, living off the treasure and funds aquired from his more lucrative merchanting years, and keeping tabs on his children, grand-children, and a few odd friends.   Tchel Feinry - A half-elf book merchant from Illuminar. Scholarly fellow who provided a bit of tutoring to Goq on their seabound voyage, and who has requested the muscley grippli to retrieve some rare grimoires and tomes from time to time.   Iapo and Byrukj - Goq's parents. Reserved and rather distant, they have a very formal relationship with Goq, seeming a bit nervous at his presence, and do not speak of him when he is not around. The rest of the tribe have a tenuous relationship with the couple, though it has gotten better through Goq's absence. They have had a few more offspring since, none seeming to bear any of the demonic bloodline.

Religious Views

A loose follower of Zephyros. He keeps a religious symbol with him and keeps to some of the tenants, though does not go out of his way to do much more than say a small prayer now and then.

Born in the Sedgefen to a small grippli tribe, Goq-Ixai is a small creature who's travelled across the mainland of Arendor, and has the skillset to show for it.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Cragmoor, The Sedgefen
Current Residence
The Sedgefen
Red with black pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red fading to blue, with black spots
3' 8"
85 lbs
Known Languages
Grippli, Common, High Common, Tradil, Vestral, Elsi Slyvan, Aklo


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