House Rules in Arendor | World Anvil

House Rules


Hirelings have received a couple changes.
  • Hirelings can be bought in any settlement at a level up to their settlement level.
  • Hirelings make their selected skill checks as follows: Proficiency + their level.
  • Hirelings charge based on their level, at a rate of 5 sp/day/level. The rate is doubled when adventuring with the party.
  • Example: You buy the services of Gugo, a skilled hireling with expert proficiency in religion. He is a level 12 hireling you found in Illuminar, a 20th level settlement. You ask him to look over some religious texts to determine the source of eternal evil, he informs you it will take three days. The total cost is (5*3*12)sp, for a total of 180 sp, or 18 gp. He makes his religion checks with a +16 bonus.  

    Faction Rewards

    Every faction has the same set of faction rewards, based on your reputation with the faction you represent. You can pick one faction reward per tier. See here for the rules on reputation.  


  • Hireling: A free of charge expert-trained hireling from your faction. Choose one skill and one lore skill, they are an expert in these skills with a modifier of 4 + your level. The hireling can only perform these checks. The hireling can’t participate in combat.
  • Storied Talent: You are well known for your talents. When using Downtime to Earn Income you may increase the task level by 2 to a max of your level.
  • Hero's Focus: You add +1 when rerolling with your hero point.
  • Hero's Resolve: You can use a Hero point to lower your Frightened or Stupified condition by 1.
  • Shield Bearer: You gain an ally that carries and cares for your shield. If you take a 10 min rest he will attempt to repair your shield with a 4 + your level bonus.
  • Admired

  • Master Hireling: Your hireling's proficiency in their skills increases to Master, 6 + your level. Your hireling can now use the aid reaction for their skills. Requires the hireling reward.
  • Heroic Inspiration: When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check and succeed at the check, your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks of the same type for 1 round.
  • Share the Burden: You may take on someone's condition to lessen theirs. This can only be done with conditions that have a modifier. You gain 1 in that condition and they lose 1.
  • Heroic Hustle: When you spend a Hero Point to reroll a check, you also gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. When you spend a Hero Point to avoid death, you can also Stand as a free action when you become conscious.
  • Heroic Recall: When you use a Hero Point you may Recall Knowledge as a free action, rolling the skill check twice and using the better result.
  • Revered

  • Mentor: Gain a follower of your choice. They act as a companion of 3 levels lower than you.
  • Heroic Defiance: When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you can choose to immediately wake up with 1 Hit Point.
  • Heroic Intervention: Your heroic moments grant others the will to keep fighting. When you spend a Hero Point, you and any allies within 30 feet who can see you regain 3d6 Hit Points. This healing also affects dying allies, even if they cannot see you due to being unconscious.
  • Heroic Resurgence: When you spend your Hero Points to avert death, note the value of your dying and wounded condition before applying the Hero Points’ effects. Until the end of your turn after waking up, you gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, and you also gain a circumstance bonus to your damage rolls, Perception checks, skill checks, and saving throws equal to the noted value, up to a maximum of +3.
  • Exotic Edge: Once per session, you can activate this boon as a free action to apply your faction's unique techniques, gaining a +3 circumstance bonus to either all of your attack rolls or all of your skill checks for 1 round.
  •   These rewards may be retrained according to the usual rules for retraining feats.  

    Recall Knowledge

    When you attempt to recall knowledge about a creature, rather than roll a specific skill/lore, you roll for all of your knowledge skills and lores at the same time. Effectively, this means that you aren't guessing the creature type based on appearances alone. Additionally, on a success (or critical failure) you may ask a specific question about the creature OR learn the most commonly known knowledge about the creature. On a critical success you may ask two questions or learn the two most common pieces of knowledge about the creature.  

    Two Session Lemon Law

    Within two sessions of character creation you may respec your character in any way you see fit, including everything from ancestry to feats.   Within two sessions of leveling up, you may respec your newly selected feats, spells, etc freely. Remember, this only applies to your NEW feats, spells, etc.  

    Hero Points

    Hero points may be spent to alter the narrative in a subtle way. The number of hero points required depends on the nature of the alteration. An example: There is a massive cliff that requires at least 200 feet of rope to climb down safely. You could spend a hero point to have retroactively purchased that rope before leaving town. Another example: You enter a tavern and want to know one of the patrons of the bar. You could spend a hero point to know the waitress, who just so happens to be your ex.  

    Heroic Crafting

    It's just better crafting. See here for the PDF containing the full rules. It's pay what you want.


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