King Renoldus Character in Arendor | World Anvil

King Renoldus

King Renoldus, a figure of regal stature and venerable charm, stands tall at six feet two inches. His broad-shouldered and sturdy build, honed by years of martial training in his youth, carries the weight of his kingdom with unflinching resolve. Renoldus is in his late fifties, yet his eyes, a brilliant shade of cobalt blue, radiate the vigor and dynamism of a man in his prime. His once black hair has started to grey at the temples, offering a distinguished touch to his handsome features. The neatly trimmed beard that graces his face further enhances his stately appearance.   Renoldus' clothing echoes his station and character. He prefers high-quality but minimally embellished attire, often dressed in a fine doublet of royal blue, the color of Aethoria, trimmed with silver threads. Over this, he wears a heavy, fur-lined cloak fastened with a brooch bearing the crest of his kingdom – a majestic white stag against a blue backdrop. His trousers are of dark velvet, tucked into polished black boots. A golden circlet, inlaid with sapphires, rests lightly on his brow, a symbol of his rule.   King Renoldus carries himself with a dignity that commands respect, yet his demeanor is far from intimidating. His voice, firm yet soothing, carries the weight of wisdom, and his words are always well-considered. His presence is calming, and his rule is guided by a deep sense of justice and fairness. Renoldus is known to have an open-door policy, often holding audience with his subjects, ensuring their grievances are heard and their welfare is maintained.   His interactions with his subjects, nobles, and foreign delegates alike are marked by grace and respect. He has an air of inherent nobility about him, which, combined with his palpable kindness, earns him the love and admiration of his people. He carries the mantle of kingship not as a burden, but as a responsibility that he willingly accepted for the greater good of Aethoria. His decisions are marked by thoughtfulness, and he is not one to shy away from making hard choices when they are required for the well-being of his kingdom. King Renoldus embodies the essence of a lawful good ruler, committed to the prosperity of his land and people, guided by a code of fairness and benevolence.
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Current Status
Ruling Aethoria
Current Location
Current Residence
Solstice Palace
Manly Man
Cobalt Blue
Black (Graying)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
195 lb
Vaeloria (Luminaric Pantheon)