
Korghul, the Eater of Worlds, is depicted as a hulking figure of terror, wreathed in smoke and flame. His form is barely discernible through the scorching inferno, but what is visible strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare to gaze upon him. His eyes blaze brighter than the fires that envelop him, and his laughter is the crackling of a wildfire.  


Korghul revels in chaos and destruction. He is unpredictable and volatile, embodying the chaotic forces he governs. His delight is the crumbling of civilizations and the end of order. He respects strength and despises stability, forever seeking to tip the balance towards chaos.  


As the god of Destruction, Chaos, and Catastrophe, Korghul has the power to incite calamities and manipulate the forces of chaos. He can cause structures to crumble, storms to rage, and induce madness in the hearts of mortals, pushing them towards destructive actions.  


Korghul delights in sowing discord and watching worlds fall into chaos. He often interferes in mortal and divine affairs, pushing events towards catastrophic outcomes.  

Divine Realm

Korghul's realm, the Cataclysm Veil, is a place of ever-changing landscapes and constant destruction. Here, mountains rise and crumble in a moment, seas turn into deserts, and violent storms rage across the land.  


Korghul's primary possession is the Hammer of Havoc, a massive tool forged in the fires of the first world's end. It carries the power to shatter realities and ignite cataclysms.  


Born from the first calamity, Korghul has been a constant force in the world of Arendor. His influence is often seen in the downfall of great empires, catastrophic disasters, and the most chaotic periods of history.  


His symbol is a broken world engulfed in flame.  


Korghul's followers are often those who seek to sow chaos and destruction or those who hope to harness and control the untamed forces of chaos. Warmongers, anarchists, doom prophets, and certain types of spellcasters often revere him.
"In chaos, there is a purity of purpose. In destruction, a world's truth is revealed. Break, burn, shatter and know that each end is but a prelude to glorious rebirth."


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