
Othrys, known as the Undying Plague, is the deity of Disease, Decay, and Undeath. He is envisioned as a skeletal figure wrapped in decayed robes that hang off his bony frame. His eye sockets glow with a sickly green light, and he carries an aura of malaise and pestilence. A constant swarm of flies and insects buzz around him, reflecting his dominion over decay.  


Othrys is a deity of melancholy, inevitability, and the perversion of life. He revels in the decay and entropy of the natural world, and his interest in undeath stems from a twisted desire to break the natural cycle of life and death. He is cunning, manipulative, and deeply intelligent, often exploiting others' fears of mortality to further his influence.  


As the god of Disease, Decay, and Undeath, Othrys can spawn and control all forms of illness and decay. He can hasten or slow the decay process, make the healthy sick, and raise the dead as unholy, undying servants. His mere presence can blight the land, ruin crops, and turn freshwater stagnant and foul.  


Othrys focuses on spreading his influence, nurturing diseases and plagues, and gaining power through the creation and control of undead. He revels in watching the world succumb to decay and disease and seeks to expand his realm of Undeath.  

Divine Realm

His realm, known as the Rotting Citadel, is a decaying fortress in a wasteland of entropy. The once grand castle is now crumbling and overrun with vermin and insects, with wilted gardens and stagnant moats. Yet, it stands undying, a testament to Othrys' power over decay and undeath.  


Othrys carries a staff called the Scourge, made from the spine of the first mortal to die of plague. Atop the staff, a skull radiates a sickly green aura that can spread diseases with a mere wave. He also possesses the Shroud of Endless Decay, a robe woven from the final breaths of those who perished from his plagues.  


Othrys came into existence with the first mortal death and the onset of decay. He introduced the first diseases and delighted in the fear and chaos it sowed among mortals. Over the millennia, he has been a constant adversary of Lifegiver gods and a hidden patron to those who seek immortality through undeath.  


His symbols are a rotting skull, a fly, and a wilting leaf, all representative of his domains. These symbols are dreaded by many and are used by those seeking his favor or inflicting harm upon others.  


Cults dedicated to Othrys exist in the shadows, often engaging in taboo rituals and necromancy. His worshipers include those who seek power through undeath, plague doctors who wish to understand and control diseases, and nihilists who embrace the inevitability of decay. His temples, hidden and heavily protected, are places of morbid rites and experimentation with undeath.
"All life must wilt, all flesh must decay, and in death, there is a perverse form of life. I am that life. I am the end and the beginning, the pestilence that consumes and the silence that follows. To deny me is to deny the cycle, to embrace me is to grasp eternity."


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