
In the frozen reaches of Thallindor's far north lies Reavefar, a city as fierce and unforgiving as the frigid wilderness that surrounds it. This northernmost stronghold, cloaked in perpetual frost, is home to a rugged mix of humans, hobgoblins, and hardy minorities of dwarves, goblins, and elves. The city, with its jagged skyline of wind-battered structures and skins stretched over bone frames, stands as a testament to the savagery required to survive in such a harsh climate.   The Reavers' chieftain, a figure both feared and revered, presides over this frozen citadel of strength. Their rule is unyielding, their decisions shaped by the survival of the fittest—a law as ancient and relentless as the city itself. The Reavers, Reavefar's most formidable, offer their "Pact of the Primordial" to any brave or foolhardy soul willing to face the Rexwoods' relentless chill and its ancient predators. To venture into the icy forest with naught but the most basic tools of survival and return having bent a wild dinosaur to their will is to grasp triumph from the very jaws of death. This trial, open to all who dare, is not just a rite of passage but a challenge that culls the weak from the strong.   The city erupts in feral jubilation for those who conquer the "Pact of the Primordial." Survivors are met with a raucous celebration that shakes the very ground of Reavefar. The night sky is set ablaze with bonfires as large as the beasts they revere, and the air is filled with the pounding of drums and guttural chants that honor the indomitable spirit of the new Reaver. It is a ceremony where meat, mead, and the warmth of kinship flow freely, and stories of the trial are woven into the tapestry of legends that cloak this savage city.   At the heart of the revelry is the Survivor's Feast, where the new Reaver is the guest of honor, their tale of conquest shared with every bellowing cheer. Their name is etched into the city's history, their act of taming immortalized in dance and song. As the celebration roars through the night, it is not just the new Reaver who is inducted but the very essence of Reavefar that is reaffirmed—a place where the fire of life burns bright against the cold, unyielding darkness.



The city is governed by a chieftain, the leader of the Reavers, who embodies the strength and resilience of Reavefar. This leader is not only a political figure but also a symbol of the city’s indomitable will, often chosen for their prowess in both leadership and in the "Pact of the Primordial" challenge.


The natural spiky cliffs provide a formidable barrier, making the city naturally defensible. The Reavers, skilled in combat and aided by tamed dinosaurs, form the backbone of Reavefar’s defense.

Industry & Trade

Reavefar thrives on a barter economy, trading in furs, bones, and herbs from the Rexwoods. Tamed dinosaurs are also a valuable commodity, traded with or lent to neighboring regions for various purposes.


Reavefar’s architecture is a direct response to its environment – a collection of robust, roughly hewn buildings and hide-clad huts designed to withstand the extreme cold. The absence of nearby water sources has led to innovative methods of snow and ice harvesting for water supply. The city is laid out in a manner that shields its inhabitants from the harsh winds, with communal spaces centered around large firepits for warmth and cooking.


The city is divided into several informal districts: the Reaver's Quarter, where the chieftain and top Reavers reside; the Hunter's Grounds, predominantly inhabited by those who venture into the Rexwoods; the Market Circle, the bustling heart of trade; and the Outer Rings, where the majority of the population lives.


Reavefar’s primary asset lies in its skilled inhabitants, particularly the Reavers, who are adept at taming and utilizing dinosaurs from the nearby Rexwoods. The city also has access to unique resources from the cliffs and the forest, including rare minerals and medicinal herbs.

Guilds and Factions

Apart from the Reavers, there are several smaller guilds such as the Cliffharvesters (specializing in mining the cliffs), the Bonecarvers (artisans working with dinosaur bones), and the Brewmasters (known for their strong, warming beverages).


Founded as a small settlement by a band of hardy explorers, Reavefar evolved into a city under the leadership of the first Reaver chieftain. Its history is marked by a series of daring expeditions into the Rexwoods and the continuous struggle against the harsh environment. The city has grown around the tradition of the Reavers, with the "Pact of the Primordial" serving as a rite of passage and a symbol of the city’s identity.
Settlement Level
Owning Organization
Brief Description
A savage city associated with dinosaurs.
Tunrei, Common, Goblin, Dwarven, Elven
Jarak, Thalor, Vaeloria, Zaelor, Vixara, Valduren
The Frostjaw Behemoth, the Frozen Hollow, the Cyroshard, Internal Feuds
Savage Fury
Spending a week here aligns oneself with the cold. Cold environmental effects up to moderate are negated for one month.

(Lawful Neutral, Male, Hobgoblin, Chieftan of the Reavers): Renowned for his fearsome leadership and legendary dinosaur-taming skills, embodying the fierce spirit of Reavefar.
Thalira Icestride
(Chaotic Good, Female, Human, Scout): Known for her unparalleled agility and deep knowledge of the Rexwoods, making her an invaluable guide and tracker.
Braxel Deeforn
(Lawful Good, Male, Dwarf, Master Blacksmith): His renowned forge produces extraordinary weaponry and armor, each piece a work of art infused with the essence of the Rexwoods.
Elithien Revein
(Neutral, Female, Elf, Herbalist and Healer): Her mastery of ancient woodland remedies and healing arts has saved countless lives, especially those attempting the perilous "Pact of the Primordial."


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