Selenthe Character in Arendor | World Anvil


Selenthe, the Emerald Mother, is a nurturing figure of life and abundance. She is typically represented as a matronly woman, her body entwined with flourishing vines and abundant flowers, crowned by a circlet of antlers symbolizing her connection to all creatures. Her eyes mirror the rich hues of a forest in full bloom, and her touch brings life and growth wherever it lands.  


Selenthe is warm, loving, and infinitely caring. She embodies the boundless nurturing of nature, offering sustenance and shelter to all who respect her domain. Her moods mirror the changing seasons: joyous in spring, radiant in summer, reflective in autumn, and silent in winter.  


As the goddess of Nature, Harvest, and Fertility, Selenthe commands the forces of nature and the cycles of life. She can invoke the bloom of spring, the abundance of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the rest of winter. Her blessings can ensure bountiful harvests, healthy pregnancies, and the thriving of natural habitats.  


Selenthe nurtures the world, guiding the seasons in their cycle, and ensuring the bounty of the land. She protects the wilderness and all its creatures, whispering in the wind, flowing in rivers, and growing with the trees.  

Divine Realm

Selenthe's realm is Verdantis, a boundless sylvan paradise, a vibrant tapestry of every ecosystem known and unknown. Rivers of crystal-clear water flow under canopies of ancient trees, their branches sheltering countless creatures living in harmony.  


Her artifact is the Lifeseed, an evergreen seed which represents the eternal cycle of life and growth.  


Selenthe emerged as the first spark of life on Arendor, her spirit woven into the very fabric of nature. She was instrumental during the Age of Dawn, where her blessing of fertility led to the thriving of life.  


Her symbol is a leaf, ripe wheat, and a full moon entwined together, representing her dominion over nature, harvest, and the cycles of life.  


Selenthe is venerated by farmers, druids, midwives, and all those who respect and depend on the natural world. Her sacred groves are places of healing and peace, and her holy days are marked by feasts of thanksgiving for nature's bounty.
"Nurture the seed, respect the bloom, cherish the harvest, and rest in the frost. So does the world turn, under my watchful eye."


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