Selenthe's Grove

Selenthe's Grove, a tranquil sanctuary named in honor of the goddess Selenthe, is a verdant haven nestled amid the vast landscape of Aethoria. Its geography is characterized by gently rolling hills blanketed in lush foliage, leading to the grove's centerpiece, a pristine azure lake. The lake's tranquil waters rest in a basin, surrounded by a gentle slope of verdant grass, making it appear like a sparkling gem set into the earth's emerald mantle.   It is a realm of celestial serenity, an ode to the goddess's love for all things living. The peaceful symphony of rustling leaves, bubbling streams, and soft animal calls echo the divine tranquility that pervades this sacred space, making it a living testament to Selenthe's gentle grace.


The ecosystem within the grove is vibrantly rich and diverse, a demonstration of the goddess's dominion over life and nature. Flourishing under the protection of the divine, flora and fauna within the grove coexist harmoniously, creating a unique ecological balance. The grove boasts a multitude of medicinal plants, their properties well-known to the local herbalists. Luminescent mushrooms dot the forest floor, their soft glow turning the grove into an ethereal wonderland at night.

Localized Phenomena

The most mesmerizing experience within Selenthe's Grove is the Moonflower Bloom. During specific celestial alignments, the moonflowers that cover the forest floor awaken in a spectacle of luminescent beauty. The entire grove is bathed in soft, ethereal light, making it appear as though the moon itself is kissing the earth. During this time, the grove becomes a place of heightened magic, attracting pilgrims from far and wide seeking Selenthe's blessings.

Fauna & Flora

Plantlife within the grove is dominated by ancient trees, some said to have been planted by Selenthe herself. These majestic trees, with their wide canopies and gnarled trunks, are revered as living connections to the goddess. During the day, their leaves filter the sunlight, dappling the grove in a kaleidoscope of light and shadow. At night, they reach for the stars, their silhouettes forming a stark contrast against the celestial tapestry above.   Both animals and beasts of Selenthe's Grove are as varied as they are magical. Silver stags, with their antlers seeming to shimmer in the moonlight, roam the forest alongside moon hares, their white coats blending seamlessly into the night. These creatures, associated with the goddess, are remarkably unafraid of humans, creating a serene coexistence that reinforces the grove's aura of peace and tranquility.
Owning Organization


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