Sera Character in Arendor | World Anvil


Early Life in the Sagespire Hills

Sera, a wood elf born 138 years ago, grew up in the serene beauty of the Sagespire Hills, just south of Illuminar in Aethoria. Fascinated by nature from a young age, she often wandered the ancient groves, learning the secrets of the plants and wildlife. Her path to becoming a healer began when she successfully treated a grievous wound on a friend using a rare herb called Savik, known only to her people. This early success fueled her passion, and under the guidance of the elders, she spent decades mastering the healing arts.  

Becoming a Doctor

Sera’s gentle touch and extensive knowledge earned her the trust and respect of her community. She spent countless hours in the forests, gathering herbs and crafting remedies that could heal wounds, cure illnesses, and soothe pains. Her discovery of Savik, a powerful healing herb, became a cornerstone of her medical practice.  

Service to Lord Gun'nadye

Word of Sera’s talents reached Lord Gun'nadye, a noble from Illuminar, who invited her to serve as his personal physician. Though leaving her home was difficult, Sera saw an opportunity to help more people and expand her knowledge. The transition was challenging; she missed the peace of the hills but soon adapted to the bustling life of the estate.   At the Lord’s estate, Sera provided medical care not only to the Lord and his family but also to the household staff and villagers. She established a small clinic and became a trusted advisor, often treating noble guests and local villagers. Her skills with rare herbs like Savik were invaluable, especially during a particularly harsh winter when a mysterious illness struck the estate. Through her efforts, many lives were saved, and her reputation as a dedicated healer was solidified.  

A New Path

The shadowy assault on Dawnhold and the tragic death of Lord Gun'nadye marked a turning point in Sera’s life. Determined to avenge her Lord and protect Aethoria from further harm, she joined an adventuring party on a quest to retrieve the artifacts needed to navigate the Shattered Vale and combat the Shadow Veil of Narthos.   Sera’s deep knowledge of healing and her experience as a doctor make her an invaluable member of the team. Her journey is driven by a desire to honor Lord Gun'nadye’s memory and safeguard the land she loves. Her integration into the party brought her close to new companions, each contributing unique strengths. Together, they face the challenges ahead, with Sera providing both healing and hope.
Female Elf
Long blonde often in ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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