Sunny Grannach Character in Arendor | World Anvil

Sunny Grannach

Sunny Grannach

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sunny has a comically chaotic and haphazard appearance. His skin is a patchwork of various shades of singed green, peppered with burn scars and blisters that he wears like badges of honor. His eyes, wide and slightly crossed, gleam with a mischievous twinkle, as if he's perpetually plotting his next fiery escapade. His hair is a disaster, sticking out in all directions like a burnt, frizzy explosion. Some patches are completely bald, giving him a lopsided look that adds to his quirky charm. He sports an assortment of ragged, scorched clothing that barely clings to his wiry frame, with bits of fireproof fabric haphazardly stitched on. These makeshift patches give him the appearance of someone who survived a tornado in a fireworks factory. His hands, blackened and covered in soot, are always busy fiddling with an odd collection of fire-starting tools. He might have a belt lined with mismatched flints, a few singed matches, and a suspiciously smoky bottle labeled "Goblin Fuel." A perpetual cloud of smoke follows him wherever he goes, making him look like a cartoon character who just escaped a series of explosive misadventures.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

• Comes from a tribe of desert goblins • The goblins are a rowdy bunch that live off the land that no one else can • Drinking stagnant water and eating things that would make other humanoids sick. • Goblins love fighting, drinking, and especially stealing • The goblins enjoy fighting and if left with no one else to fight they fight themselves, just to keep sharp • When a goblin tribe comes into an area most intelligent monsters steer clear. Even if the goblins are small there’s a lot of them and their recklessness in the face of danger means they’ll keep coming. • Even more than fighting they love stealing anything that isn’t nailed down and if it is nailed down, they steal the nails as well. • Goblins are very sneaky though so it’s difficult to pin missing items on them.   • They worship Obbog the great goblin in the sky (the sun) o Edicts: burn bright to light the spark in the hearts of those around you o Anathema: Never fight the weak and never steal from those who have nothing o Worshipped in pyromaniacal ways like huge bonfires and lighting oneself on fire to emulate Obbog o The largest festival is on the shortest day to reignite Obbog’s heart with displays of fire. • Goblins use gold, silver, and other shinnies as offerings to Obbog tossing them into their campfires • Enterprising longshanks will sometimes comb through the remnants of goblin camps looking for the now melted chunks of treasure • This has led to the rich being suspicious of goblins but never really being able to prove their missing valuables were taken by the goblins • The peasants think of the goblins fondly though as they rarely come into conflict with them • Sunny was expelled from the tribe after he and Ronnag, his best friend and partner in crime, disrupted the festival with a drunken fight • Since he was expelled, he must act like a longshank and follow their rules, a grave punishment for a goblin • Can only return to the tribe and goblin ways if he gains the blessing of Obbog    
Ulcor o Dwarf cleric of Elysia o Was captured by Umbraric cultists for sacrifice but was saved by Sunny shortly after Sunny was expelled o Gave Sunny his nickname “Sunny” o Taught Sunny common so Sunny has a heavy dwarven accent o Sunny traveled with him to learn the ways of the longshanks o Parted ways so Sunny could adventure and find a way to get the blessing of Obbog   Carius o Human Pyromaniac o After seeing Ulcor preach to people Sunny had the idea that he might be able to gain Obbog’s favor by converting longshanks o Sunny had absolutely no success until he met Carius o Sunny began teaching Carius the ways to worship Obbog o This seemed to go well until it came to lighting oneself on fire o Sunny believed that his fervor protected him from the flames but in reality, it was his goblin skin o Carius is now covered in burns but believes that he just wasn’t faithful enough to be protected o Is now also trying to earn Obbog’s blessing/ find a way of surviving the fire o Because of this Sunny has given up trying to convert longshanks for now    
Ronnag o Goblin from the same tribe as Sunny o As much as Sunny loves fighting Ronnag loves drinking o United by their love of stealing they would swipe things from wealthy merchants and manors o Never having been caught they were famous in the tribe o During the solstice festival they got into a drunken fight. This would normally be in the spirit of things but during their fight they knocked over the towering bonfire that’s the centerpiece of the festival before it could be lit. For this they were both expelled o They both blame each other but because of being drunk they can’t exactly remember what happened    
• The burned elf o The leader of the Umbraric cultists that captured Ulcor o Sunny saw the light of their ritual pyre and approached o Snuck into the ritual sight and hid in the fire o When he saw the leader raise his knife to kill Ulcor he burst out of the fire surprising the cultists o They ran except the leader, so Sunny slapped him across the face with a log from the pyre, burning the side of his face o Sunny then grabbed the tied dwarf and started running, the proud elf’s screams following him o May or may not recognize Sunny as Sunny was on fire at the time o Now despises goblins but fears fire o Swears revenge for his disfigurement    
Recent history
• After his failure to convert longshanks, he decided to go adventuring to try and find a new way to gain Obbog’s favor • Ulcor had said that Elysia likes when you help the needy so Sunny would see if Obbog liked it as well • Sunny has some skill with magical healing, but his bedside manner would scare patients away • So, Sunny turned to what he knows best: fighting • Sunny took up adventuring to try and find a task that would earn him Obbogs blessing • He heard the call of the Primarch but due to his poor sense of direction got lost on the way to the keep so he arrived a few days after the dragon attack • Sunny had heard tales of the Shadow War and Eventide and would not stand for anything like it to ever happen again. Such an affront to Obbog was unacceptable. • Sunny sees the prevention of another Eventide as a way of gaining favor with Obbog • Sunny hears of both the adventuring parties that were dispatched and decides to join them. Finding magical artifacts sounds like the much more important task so that is the party he focuses on.

A goblin from a tribe in Zephyria. His favorite things are stealing, fire, and fighting. He's been kicked out of his tribe so he has to follow longshank rules until he gains the blessing of Obbog.

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