The Pennyblades Organization in Arendor | World Anvil

The Pennyblades

The Pennyblades are an organization of valiant adventurers, united by their shared goal of aiding the impoverished and marginalized. Their name, as humble as their cause, reflects their commitment to taking on tasks that might not promise vast riches but bring about real change in the lives of those in need. They are the unsung heroes who rise to the occasion when others hesitate, their actions guided by compassion and a firm belief in the value of every individual.   The main encampments of the Pennyblades are nestled along the ridges of the Sunset Dunes in Zephyria, providing them a strategic vantage point and easy access to the underprivileged areas still bearing the scars of the War of Shadows. The organization has been instrumental in the region's post-war recovery, their actions a testament to their determination to foster growth and stability.   The Pennyblades' goals revolve around the principle of individuality over the collective, a belief that sets them apart from many traditional factions. They focus their efforts on strengthening the cities and villages dotting the southern half of Thallindor, acting as protectors and benefactors. In times of conflict, the Pennyblades have been known to employ guerilla tactics to distract invading forces, buying precious time for innocents to flee.   The Pennyblades follow a code built on three core tenets:  
  • Service: Every Pennyblade is committed to serving the disadvantaged, prioritizing the alleviation of individual suffering over grander causes.
  • Protection: The organization acts as a shield for the weak and the helpless, standing between them and any threats.
  • Growth: The Pennyblades believe in fostering development and progress in struggling communities, working tirelessly to transform these regions into thriving societies.
  •   Members of the Pennyblades are typically of a Neutral Good alignment. They believe in doing what's right, even if it means breaking a few rules. They're not as concerned with laws and order as they are with kindness and fairness.   The organization welcomes adventurers of all backgrounds and skill sets. The shared desire to make a difference is what binds them, creating a diverse yet unified group. From skilled healers to robust warriors, every member brings something unique to the table.   The Pennyblades have earned respect and gratitude from the communities they have served, and their emblem, a single copper blade, has become a beacon of hope for those living in the shadow of hardship. While they may not chase glory or riches, the Pennyblades carry the wealth of countless lives touched and communities uplifted - a testament to their meaningful work.


    At the top of the Pennyblades' hierarchy is a council known as the Coin Council, composed of the most seasoned members who have shown unwavering commitment to the group's cause. The Coin Council makes major decisions regarding the organization's direction and resolves any disputes that may arise within the group.   Beneath the Coin Council are the unit leaders, each in charge of a group of Pennyblades. Units can vary in size and specialization, with some focused on combat, others on healing, and others on diplomacy or strategy. These leaders are respected for their experience and skill and are trusted with the well-being and guidance of their units.   The bulk of the Pennyblades consist of regular members known as Blades. These Blades are the backbone of the organization, carrying out the majority of the work, from executing missions to providing aid in the communities they serve.


    The Pennyblades have a culture of unity, empathy, and service. They see themselves as a family, bound together by a shared purpose, rather than a formal hierarchy. They honor each member's unique abilities and backgrounds, fostering an environment of mutual respect and cooperation.   Their culture is steeped in the traditions of aiding the poor and the oppressed. Stories of their exploits are passed down from one generation to another, creating a rich tapestry of tales that inspire their members and affirm their commitment to their cause.   Every Blade carries with them a gourd, which is grown by the Blade during their initiate term.

    Public Agenda

    Publicly, the Pennyblades aim to alleviate the suffering of those living in poverty, particularly in the areas most devastated by the War of Shadows. They prioritize individual well-being over the collective, reflecting their belief in the inherent value of every life.   They advocate for social equality and justice, often standing up for the rights of the marginalized. While they are not a political organization, their activities inevitably touch upon social issues, making them a significant influence in the regions they serve.


    The Pennyblades' primary assets are their members, whose diverse skills and talents drive the organization's success. They also maintain several encampments along the Sunset Dunes in Zephyria, strategically located to serve impoverished communities.   While not wealthy, the Pennyblades have a steady income from donations, modest mission payments, and the support of grateful communities. They also have a range of equipment, tools, and resources necessary for their work.


    The Pennyblades were formed shortly after the War of Shadows, founded by a group of adventurers moved by the suffering they witnessed. They established their base in the Sunset Dunes of Zephyria, drawn by the area's desperate need for aid.   Since then, the Pennyblades have grown in size and reputation. Despite facing challenges and dangers, they have remained steadfast in their commitment to their cause.
    Maintaining the stability and encouraging the growth of the villages/cities in the northern territories of Zephyria. If necessary, running guerilla tactics on invading forces to distract them from innocents.
    Help a drought stricken village, retrieve stolen medicine, escort a group of villagers, negotiate a peace treaty.
    Minimizing the suffering of an individual is more worthwhile than the good for the collective. Groups are made up of people, and people come first.
    Usually Neutral Good
    Founding Date
    78 AR
    Guild, Adventuring


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