
Xythera, the Spider Queen, is an unnerving blend of beauty and terror. Her upper body is that of a captivating woman of ethereal beauty, while her lower body is a monstrous spider, her carapace glistening in deadly shades of black and purple. Her cruel, mischievous smile and enchanting eyes hold the promise of dark secrets and dangerous allure.  


Xythera is manipulative, cunning, and treacherous. She delights in the misfortunes born of deceit and finds amusement in the intricate webs of betrayal. Envy fuels her actions and influences her followers, encouraging them to covet and scheme.  


As the goddess of Deceit, Envy, and Betrayal, Xythera has the power to distort truth and manipulate emotions. She can sow seeds of doubt, whisper promises of coveted desires, and fan the flames of treachery.  


Xythera revels in watching the intricate webs of deceit play out among mortals. She is often behind major betrayals in history, indirectly influencing events through her faithful followers.  

Divine Realm

Xythera resides in the Web of Lies, an ethereal plane that mirrors the mortal world, but twisted and distorted. This is a realm where truth and falsehood blur, alliances shift in a moment, and one's deepest desires become their downfall.  


Xythera's possession is the Scepter of the Silken Strand, a twisted artifact capable of spinning illusions so real they can deceive gods and mortals alike.  


Xythera emerged from the first lie spoken and the first envy felt. She has been a driving force behind many betrayals, manipulations, and conflicts in Arendor's history.  


Her symbol is a jeweled spider, its body an emerald green, signifying the envy she propagates, poised on a web of twisted silver strands, representing the webs of deceit she spins.  


Xythera's followers are typically those who wield deceit as a weapon, those fueled by envy, or those who revel in treachery. These often include manipulators, spies, ambitious courtiers, and thieves.
"Truth is but a silken thread in the grand web of deceit. Desire what others possess, manipulate the strings wisely, and the world will dance at your will."


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