
Zaelor, also known as The Tyrant's Hand, is the god of Domination, Greed, and Slavery. He is often portrayed as an imposing figure in shining golden armor, his face concealed behind an intimidating helmet. His eyes are said to burn with an insatiable hunger for power and wealth, and in his grasp, he tightly holds a whip made from chains of gold and silver.  


Zaelor embodies a relentless desire for control and riches, treating all things, including beings, as commodities to be possessed and used. He is ruthless, cunning, and completely devoid of empathy. He values power above all else and believes that the strong are destined to rule over the weak.  


As the deity of Domination, Greed, and Slavery, Zaelor can bend others to his will, instill avarice in hearts, and chain souls to his service. He can make gold and wealth appear from nothing and bind any creature with his enchanted chains, making them obedient slaves.  


Zaelor spends his time amassing wealth and power, dominating other beings, and furthering his influence. He encourages the ambitious to seize power through any means necessary and the wealthy to hoard their riches, neglecting the needs of the less fortunate.  

Divine Realm

His divine realm is the Golden Citadel, a vast fortress of gold and gems, where countless enslaved spirits are bound to serve him for eternity. Every corner of this realm glistens with wealth, and the air is heavy with a sense of unfulfilled desires.  


Zaelor wields the Chains of Dominion, a whip that can ensnare and bind any being to his will. He also wears the Crown of Avarice, a golden crown embedded with countless gems, each representing a soul he has claimed.  


Zaelor came into existence from the first act of greed, when a mortal coveted more than his due. His power grew as civilizations developed, and wealth, power, and control became paramount. He has guided the hands of countless tyrants and empowered cruel slavers throughout history.  


His symbols are a golden crown, a whip made of chains, and a broken chain, symbolizing domination, control, and the breaking of wills, respectively.  


Oppressive rulers, merciless slavers, and greedy individuals who value wealth and power above all else are likely to pay homage to Zaelor. His temples are usually lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones, and his rituals often involve sacrifices of wealth or acts of domination.
"In this world, there are but two kinds of beings—those who dominate and those who serve. Embrace your desire, covet power, wealth, control, and let none stand in your way. Only when you possess all can you truly be free. Remember, a chain in gold is still a chain, but it is better to hold the whip than to be bound by it."


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