100 Haikus

Written by Phe0nix13


1. When the morning comes
The sun will still rise again
Bringing morning light
2. Leaves on branches grow
And bring spring upon our souls
Will the flowers bloom?

3. Shallow waters flow
And dance around our ankles
While circling koi dance
4. The moon shines brightly
Upon those who would listen
To it's mournful song
5. Five is all we need
To engulf our five fingers
Elements unite
6. Water, fire, earth, air
Void is that in which one stares
You might not emerge
7. All your petals fall
Summer is ending again
And hope becomes lost
8. As the dim light fades
We are plunged into darkness
Will the light return?
9. A world of struggle
Still unknown to my conscience
Creeps up upon me
10. Orange autumn leaves
Crumple crisp beneath my feet
Crackling softly
11. When sakuras bloom
And bring hope and beauty with
A new dawn begins
12. A darkness within
Unquenchable as it grows
It overtakes me
13. Morning dew on grass
Glisten in the morning light

14. If night turns windows
To mirrors, we see ourselves
Clearest when darkest

15. Fear and desire,
Creation and destruction
The choices we makes

16. Like cracking branches
Gold leaves rustle underfoot
Beauty in decay

17. Calm as a river,
Tranquility in my heart,
Blue summer skies reign

18. Over the wintry
Forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow

19. Please consider me
As one who loved poetry
and persimmons

20. Lighting one candle
With another only makes
life a bit brighter

21. The crow has now flown
Away, swaying in evening
Light, a leafless tree.

22. I think of my life
How much of it now remains?
The night is too brief

23. You decline to cry
High up on the mountainside
The wind wails for you.

24. A single blossom
Falls to the ground, landing with
Grace and elegance.

25. Temple bells die out
The fragrant blossoms remain
A perfect evening

26. From time to time
The clouds give rest to those who
Yearn to meet the moon

27. Stuck between nightmares
Only my dreams will wander
These desolate moons

28. Before the white
Chrysanthemum the scissors
Hesitate a moment

29. For that brief moment
As the firefly went out, now
In the lonely darkness

30. The rush of the waves
The flash of the Northern lights
Peaceful emotions

31. A dark ambience
The old freedom to star gaze
For pure enjoyment

32. Awakening to
The smell of cherry blossoms
On peaceful mornings

33. Music seems to draw
You closer, appreciate
The experience

34. Some moments glisten
But real life occurs elsewhere
Shrouded in darkness

35. Detachment carried
Her into an abyss of
Emotions again

36. Pulled underwater
And never emerging felt

37. I feel everything
Or nothing at all, living
Simply to perish

38. The wind is blowing
I feel the leaves beneath me
As I walk they crunch

39. Light and dark at once
Flowing slowly through the sky
Full billowing clouds

40. As I wait alone
Death creeps in on me slowly

41. I find home in those
Deep turquoise pools within which
Everything is calm

42. Silence encroaches
On my withering soul, my
Emotions deafened

43. Periwinkle sky
Sings it's winter melody
Twilight paints it's tale

44. Tortoise slowly makes
It's way through a dangerous
Quickly moving life.

45. Koi circle around
The rocks sitting silently
In the clear water

46. Troubling emotions
Constantly fluctuating

47. Sunflowers growing
In barren fields, out of place
Ironic, think not?

48. A moment of peace
As I kneel before the shrine
Of the tiger God

49. The greatest green tea
Is made meticulously
With absolute care

50. While the Mochi melts
In my mouth like chocolate milk
I contemplate life.

51. Singing birds fly by
Bringing peace to the garden
And the flowers bloom

52. Hummingbirds flutter
Singing their soft melodies
Beautiful morning

53. The cat sleeps at night
While the world is quiet and
Silence deafens all

54. I am in the trees,
In the flowers, I am in
All and everything

55. Make it what you will
The morning beckons to me
And I heed it's call

56. Nights are long and fear
Overwhelms my mind and soul
Will it ever end?

57. In my garden lay
Lemon trees and poppy seeds
Divinely growing

58. It is calling me
A divine intervention
Who might this voice be?

59. The voice of reason
Is overshadowed by the
Voice of emotion

60. I am everything
And simultaneously
Nothing at all

61. What is the meaning
Of repeating it over
And over agin?

62. Can I put my thoughts
Into words, or are you as
Confused as I am?

63. What if it all means
Nothing at all and we are
Just living to die?

64. Can you paint with all
The colours of the wind? Or
Is the wind absent?

65. Memories flood in
Of a forgotten feeling
And overwhelm me

66. I have lost. Therefore
I will withdraw to avoid
The lack of honour

67. As a samurai
I must uphold the values
Of my Ojiisan

68. The Bushido code
Is that to which I stick to
Honour in duty

69. The birds and the bees
Are something that I sadly
Do not understand.

70. Ojiisan is counting
On the honour I shall win
I will make him proud

71. You're always drinking
In the mornings, which makes me
Wonder if you care

72. Irresponsible
And irrefutably

73. Will you meet me at
Seven in the morning air
Or leave me hanging

74. The mist hangs over
The shinto shrine and conceals
The waiting temples

75. Unpredictable
Moments are the best kind of
Moments: Different

76. The midnight air hangs
Over many different

77. Think you of the moon
While the sun shines in the sky?
Or be you content?

78. Secrets are merely
Stories that have not been told.
What is your story?

79. Child, empty your cup.
You will not understand the
Void until you do.

80. In order to know
The person you will become
You must fist know peace

81. Hear you the whispers
Of all those to which you bought
The end of their lives?

82. The end draws closer
Closes in with it

83. Ephemeral you
Stand, watching, waiting for that
Which shall never come

84. Immortality
Is a curse you can't escape
Trapped without a soul

85. Anything may come
In the land of the living
Are you ready yet?

86. Child, are you ready
For the horrors in this world?
They may destroy you.

87. I stand unprepared
For the life that I shall lead
Scared of the unknown

88. May your life be filled
With butterflies and light, and
Your hope be endless

89. The moon at midnight
Illuminating the sky
Shining on the lake

90. Glistening water
In which you may see yourself
Like you what you see?

91. While looking in the mirror
Do you like who you see? Or
Do you feel ashamed?

92. Do you ever think
About the time you were young?
About your past self?

93. 'Who are you?' he asked.
I answered that I don't know.
'Then empty your cup.'

94. The lack of knowing
What you feel, where you're going...
Feelings are showing...

95. Samurai follow
A code they may never break
A code of honour.

96. The wind is calling
Enticing me to follow
Ringing in my ears.

97. Do you understand
Exactly what you're saying?
Or is't a facade?

98. She was born beside
The cherry blossom forest
A flower she'll be

99. I never knew the answer
To the question: 'Who are you?'
Doubt I ever will

100. Don't know who I'll be
As I don't know who I am
Know I anything?