
The ability to speak authoritatively is as imperative for the courtier—who guide their charges through complicated ceremonies and social events—as it is for the bushi—who shepherds their soldiers through battles and wars. Lives hang in the balance, and one word can inspire victory or lead to disaster. When chaos arises, it is the duty of those in command to take charge and to instill order, and they will be the ones judged on the success or failure of the operation, not their underlings.   The Command skill is used to instill obedience, whether in court or on the battlefield. It is generally most effective when used to motivate subordinates rather than peers, or in the context of a clear command structure, as it revolves around telling others what to do (and, usually, expecting them to do it).  

Command Approaches

  The Command skill can be used as follows with the appropriate ring:  
  • Reason Approach (Earth Ring): Verbally reprimanding a group of soldiers who have grown lax in their duties, establishing order on a chaotic battlefield, making someone afraid of the consequences of their actions.
  • Charm Approach (Water Ring): Cultivating loyalty from troops under your command, motivating troops with a promised reward, getting a mixed force to stop squabbling, making someone afraid of letting you down.
  • Incite Approach (Fire Ring): Restoring morale to weary troops, stoking an old grudge, getting others to follow you despite danger to life and limb, making someone afraid of you personally.
  • Trick Approach (Air Ring): Giving an assignment without letting on to the dangers it entails, misleading your own troops to confuse your enemy, communicating in code with your troops.
  • Enlighten Approach (Void Ring): Convincing troops embroiled in a battle to see its pointlessness, persuading enemy soldiers that their cause is not just, snapping someone out of shock or a rage in battle.


  Instruction, Interrogation, Intimidation