Commanding Your Troops

Commanding Your Troops


Issuing An Order

  To order a unit to attack, select the attacking unit and a legal defender (see The Order of Battle below).  


The attacking unit makes an Attack test against the target units Defense. Roll 1d20, add the acting unit’s Attack bonus. If the result equals or exceeds the defending unit's Defense, the attack is successful, move to the Power test.   Attacking exhausts a unit. Exhausted units cannot attack. Once all units are exhausted, all units refresh.  


In order to inflict a casualty, you must make a Power test against the target’s Toughness. Roll 1d20, add the acting unit’s Power bonus. If the result equals or exceeds the defending units Toughness, you inflicted a casualty! Decrement the casualty die!  


Once a casualty die reaches 1, another casualty removes the unit from the battle. Each unit can be Rallied once at this point.  


A unit about to be removed from battle can be Rallied. Their commander makes a Morale Test, DC15. If successful, the unit remains in the battle, but cannot be Rallied again.  


Once a unit is at half strength (for instance, 3 or less on a D6), if it takes a casualty, it must make a Morale test against DC 15 or suffer another casualty.  

The Order of Battle

  All units belong to a Rank specified on their unit card. A unit’s rank determines who they can attack, and who they can be attacked by. There are six ranks;   Infantry (incl. Levies). Anyone can attack these units.   Archers. Cannot be attacked by enemy Infantry while their own Infantry is still on the field.   Cavalry. Cannot be attacked by Infantry. Archers attack Calvary with disadvantage.   Aerial. Can only be attacked by archers and other aerial units.   Fortifications. can only be attacked by siege units.   Siege Engines. Can attack infantry, archers, and Fortifications. Cannot be attacked while their own Infantry, Archers, and Cavalry are still on the field.
Guide, How-to