Daichi Yukimura

Daichi Yukimura (a.k.a. Yuki)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yuki is tall and has the athletic physique of a Samurai

Body Features

Yuki's body is covered in Azure scales, common for someone of his race.

Facial Features

Yuki has a long snout with his horns following his brow. Sharper scales form on his chin with fin like protrusions coming out from the back of his jaw

Identifying Characteristics

Unlike other Dragonborn, Yuki's right horn seems to be made of some sort of metal. There also seems to be some sort of metal plate connected to his head underneath the horn.

Apparel & Accessories

Yuki wears the popular blue Partial Armour that many Samurai of the dragon clan use. When he is not needed for Samurai duties, he wears his red Kimono to pay homage to his old family, the Takeda.

Specialized Equipment

Yuki is proficient with most weapons but is particularly specialized in the Naginata. He is also proficent with the use of the katana and bow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Takeda Yukimura was born into the Takeda family in year "xxx". His birth was met with much celebration but also dismay due to who he would now belong to. Due to the mature rate of dragonborn, Yuki grew fast. After his first birthday, his father Takeda Shingen, began training him with his elder brother, Takeda Shinpei, who was already 7 at the time. Yuki showed extraordinary growth and potential during his time. But, as is required of any blue dragonborn, at the age of 10, he would have to be sent to the Daimyo, Daichi Tatsuo. However, Shingen would be damned if he sent Daichi a weakling. Over the next 9 years, together with his brother, Yukimura trained as hard as he could sometimes training and studying up to 18 hours a day. Yuki appeared to be especially skilled in using the Naginata as well as Calligraphy. He particularly loved the latter. Eventually though, the time had come. When Yuki turned 10, his father gave him his Daisho just like his brother several years before. On his next annual trip to Toto, he brought both his sons. Things did not go as planned however. A group of wood elves knew about their course and sought to kidnap Yuki for their own nefarious needs. The party at the time included most of Yuki's family and a few servants, excluding Yuki's mother and younger sister. The elves ambushed the party and predictably, it did not go well. His father was heavily injured with the party of 30 reduced to a mere 7. Both Yuki and Shinpei were with their father until his last moments. This was the first time Yuki ever killed. They eventually made it to Toto. Daichi, furious about what happened to one of his sons, ordered the eradication of these elves. Daichi thought this was was an excellent opportunity to allow Yuki to live up to being a son of Daichi. After the name changing ceremony, Daichi ordered Yuki to train until he thought he was ready. Over the next 5 years, Yuki was heavily trained in the art of tactics and battle as well as specialized training in duel swordsmanship from the Mirumoto family. Upon his 15th birthday, Daichi thought it was time. He gave command of 20 men of the same rank to Yuki. On top of this, his brother Shinpei joined the party, who was now 21 years old and a fully fledged samurai. They were sent to wipe the elves that had been causing havoc in the countryside of Kiga as well as the ones that were responsible for the murder of Takeda Shingen. What followed was a nearly 2 year long campaign which Yuki lead. It eventually ended with a decisive victory over the elves, which were all but wiped out. The party that left Toto were reduced to a meager 6 in the end, his brother fortunately one of them. And so begun the trek back where the party linked up with the Summer armies to head back to Toto.


Yuki follows the way of the Samurai. Yuki follows as strict training regime of his own creation after training for years. He is also quite proficient with arts and culture. Namely, Calligraphy, playing the Shamisan and philosophy to a lesser extent.


Yuki serves under the daimyo of the dragon clan.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Yuki has being called Ryūnishi by some close to him. Loosly meaning dragon of the west. Some believe he could hold the potential to be the next daimyo of the dragon clan due in no small part to his combat abilities and newer way of thinking.

Failures & Embarrassments

During a small skirmish with bandits while out on training, one bandit managed to embed an axe into Yuki's skull. This caused immense damage, but nonetheless survived the ordeal. Following this, he received an experimental implant.

Mental Trauma

Yuki has recurring nightmares of what happened to his family and has severe survivor guilt after what happened.

Morality & Philosophy

Yuki sees the Bushido Code not as a set of rules and ethics that need to be followed, but merely a guide. He believes the code is far more flexible than many other samurai.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: natto, calligraphy, playing shamisen   dislikes: spicy food


Contacts & Relations

Takeda Shinpei - Older Brother Takeda Tsukikage - Mother Takeda Tomoe - Younger Sister Daichi Tatsuo - Non-biological Father

Family Ties

The Takeda family

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: His horse Hiroki, named according to the timber trees native to his family homestead   Hobbies: Calligraphy, Playing the Shamisen


Yuki speaks slowly with a deep voice.

Yukimura is in equal parts a deadly warrior and honorable ally. Specializing in the Naginata, he keeps the enemy back and away from his allies. Though he dreams in pursuing his passion in calligraphy.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
11th of Indra 514
Takeda family homestead
Current Residence
Glowing Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Azure Blue
6'4 ft
252 lb
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish