
The daimyō of the samurai clans, who rule the various provinces of the Emerald Empire in the Emperor’s name, must serve in many capacities. Each of these individuals must be part warlord, part courtier, and part bureaucrat, and they must act effectively in each of these spheres to maintain their rule. This encompasses a strong understanding of political machinations, a solid foundation in logistics, and a familiarity with Kiga’s strict and sometimes archaic legal system, which favours status rather than testimony and propriety over evidence. Most daimyō keep a number of valued retainers who are experts in these fields close to them for consultation.  

Government Approaches

  The Government skill can be used as follows with the appropriate ring:  
  • Recall Approach (Earth Ring): Knowing the letter of the law, knowing the explicit structure of government, knowing about past events and legal precedents, knowing political history and precedent in detail, knowing past scholars of history and law and quoting their works.
  • Survey Approach (Water Ring): Identifying an illegal act, reading the tacit structure of power, determining who to ask to get something done within a bureaucracy, noticing classic bureaucratic schemes and ploys put into play by one’s opponents.
  • Theorize Approach (Fire Ring): Understanding the various ways the law could be applied on an unprecedented case, framing an argument about why the law should be applied differently in a particular instance, guessing the political ramifications of a new ruler’s ascension.
  • Analyze Approach (Air Ring): Finding a contradiction or loophole in a system or the law, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a legal argument, studying a system in detail to find the places where pressure can be applied to get specific results.
  • Sense Approach (Void Ring): Knowing how likely a given verdict is in a particular case, identifying the candidate most likely to hold a position next, knowing the likelihood of success for a particular ploy or scheme.
POSSIBLE GOVERNMENT SUBSKILLS   Bureaucracy, Law, Logistics, Warfare