Nezumi Smallfolk

The Nezumi (often called mouse-folk or small-folk) are a race of mouse/rat-like humanoids that once had a large civilization on Kiga, which ended when the Dragon Clan came to power. Since then, the Nezumi have been struggling to fight and defend their homes from the growing population of oni, trolls and other beasts that have succumbed to the taint of the shadowlands. The Nezumi are somehow immune to these taints, and while the “civilized” populations look down on them as a race of thieves and without honour, the rest of the lands would face a far greater threat from the shadowlands without the nezumi. They do not subscribe to the honour system that the rest of Kiga follows, but they are kind and quick on their feet, and fierce warriors, if lacking in common sense.   In places not populated with many smallfolk, the nezumi suffer prejudice due to the activities of wererats, and are often thought to be evil. Many nezumi attempt to fight these prejudices, but due to their struggle to interact with humans and their crude mannerisms, this is a challenge.   Nezumi stand between 2 and 5 feet tall and usually weigh anywhere between 80 and 115lbs.