The Five Physical Rings

How To Use The Five Rings

  Using the Five RingsSKILL GROUPSSKILLSAPPROACHESTo craft a piece of art (Artisan Skills)Artisan Skills (choose one)
  • Nonutilitarian art (Aesthetics)
  • Literature and poetry (Composition)
  • Finery and worn art (Design)
  • Armour and weapons (Smithing)

  • Artisan Approaches (choose one)
  • Restore a damaged piece through upkeep (Earth)
  • Adapt an existing piece into something else (Water)
  • Invent a new piece from raw materials (Fire)
  • Refine an existing piece to make it function better (Air)
  • Attune yourself to a piece of art (Void)
  •   To overcome an opponent or challenge with force (Martial Skills)
    Martial Skills (choose one)
    • Performing athletic feats and resisting harm (Fitness)
    • Using close-quarters arms (Martial Arts [Melee])
    • Using missile weapons (Martial Arts [Ranged])
    • Fighting bare-handed and with improvised weapons (Martial Arts [Unarmed])
    • Mastering oneself and controlling emotion such as anger, fear, and hate (Meditation)
    • Fighting with squads and armies (Tactics)
    Martial Approaches (choose one)
    • Withstand opposing force to wear it down (Earth)
    • Shift opposing force to work against itself or for you (Water)
    • Overwhelm opposing force with a quick burst of power (Fire)
    • Feint to lure the opposition into a position of vulnerability (Air)
    • Sacrifice to let opposing force score a victory so that you can achieve a greater end (Void)
    To know or learn a piece of information (Scholar Skills) Scholar Skills (Choose one)
    • Current events, historical trends, and etiquette (Culture)
    • Law, bureaucracy, posts, and positions (Government)
    • Health, injury, and disease (Medicine)
    • Psychology, emotions, and motivations (Sentiment)
    • The spiritual realms, mystical beings and phenomena, and religious rites (Theology)
    Scholar Approaches (choose one)
    • Recall it from memory (Earth)
    • Survey the surroundings for clues about it (Water)
    • Theorize possibilities of its nature (Fire)
    • Analyze a specific thing for details about it (Air)
    • Sense it with your instincts or a hunch (Void)
    To influence a person (Social Skills) Social Skills (choose one)
    • How to assert authority over others, especially of lower status (Command)
    • How to appeal formally to others, especially of higher status (Courtesy)
    • How to discuss and play games to socialize (Games)
    • How to communicate with and influence an audience (Performance)
    Social Approaches (choose one)
    • Reason with them to act based on logic and duty (Earth)
    • Charm them to develop positive feelings toward you (Water)
    • Incite them to act on their emotions and desires (Fire)
    • Trick people into believing something you want them to believe (Air)
    • Enlighten them to understand a fundamental truth (Void)
    To get resources or perform work (Trade Skills) Trade Skills (choose one)
    • Sales, trading, and speculation (Commerce)
    • Farming, construction, and production (Labour)
    • Sailing and living on the ocean (Seafaring)
    • Criminal organizations and activities (Skulduggery)
    • Living in the wilds beyond civilization (Survival)
    Trade Approaches (choose one)
    • Produce what you need through physical toil (Earth)
    • Exchange one type of labour or resources for another (Water)
    • Innovate a new way to get what you need (Fire)
    • Con someone to get something for nothing (Air)
    • Subsist in your environment without disrupting it (Void)
    Below details how critical hits are dealt by samurai in Kiga. Only those trained in the Way of Five Rings are able to fight with such precise ferocity using the many martial arts studied throughout the Emerald Empire. This table shows not only the potential lethality of the players but the danger of their opponents as well. Even a simple bandit can fell a great samurai with a single cut if the samurai makes a mistake or if the kami deem the bandit lucky enough to catch him off guard.   On a critical hit, roll a second d20 to determine the severity of the crit and consult the following table for the resulting effect based on your stance and approach to the attack.
    Once a player has completed their genpuku ceremony and received their five rings, each ring will be assigned a rank value to represent a character's mastery of the various techniques taught by the schools across Kiga. Each rank grants a d4 that the player may add to rolls concerning the connected ring or element. Various ways of improving these ranks exist within the world, but this table explains how these skills may be used in-game.
    Item type
    Jewelry / Valuable
    Critical Hits By Severity
    1-2 Close Call If the character is wearing armour, the armour gains the Damaged quality. Damaged armour causes a -2 penalty to the character's AC.
    3-4 Flesh Wound The character suffers the Lightly Wounded condition for the ring they used for this check. If they are already suffering the Lightly Wounded condition for this ring, treat this result as 5-6: Debilitating Gash instead. If the attack was made with a bladed weapon, the character suffers the Bleeding condition.
    5-6 Debilitating Gash The character suffers the Severely Wounded condition for the ring they used for this check. If they are already suffering the Severely Wounded condition for this ring, treat this result as 7-8: Permanent Injury. If the attack was made with a bladed weapon, the character suffers the Bleeding condition.
    7-8 Permanent Injury The character suffers the Bleeding condition, then chooses one scar of the following disadvantages for the ring they used for their check to resist: Air (Maimed Visage or Nerve Damage), Earth (Damaged Organ or Fractured Spine), Fire (Lost Fingers or Maimed Arm), Water (Lost Eye or Lost Foot), Void (Lost Memories).
    9-11 Maiming Blow The character suffers the Bleeding condition, then chooses one of the following scar disadvantages for the ring they used for their check to resist: Air (Deafness or Muteness), Earth (Damaged Heart or Damaged Organ), Fire (Lost Arm or Lost Hand). Water (Blindness or Lost Leg), Void (Cognitive Lapses).
    12-13 Agonizing Death The character suffers the Bleeding and Dying (0 failed death saves) conditions.
    14-15 Swift Death The character suffers the Bleeding and Dying (2 failed death saves) conditions.
    16+ (18+ for NPCs) Instant Death The character dies immediately.