2920 p, 732 PA, 250m
Emblem summary
-90°W ,14.5°N 2920 P, 732 PA, 250M Key words: Druid, Camelopard, Lion, giraffe, Parasaurolophus, Trainer, feed-berries, acacia, conservative leaf/flowers, Live with nature, travel the savanna, sparse but beautiful, glass art Climate: Tropical savanna with high variety in both fauna and flora, positioned on riverbed. Info: lives amongs the most densely population of beasts in the shaded savanna. Closely connected with nature and the animals, almost religious in nature. They pray to the god Chauntea mother nature, God of all living. Many druids are trained in this region some even grew up amongst the beasts before joining the civilization, therefore the town is not as densely packed as other settlements. The building is sparce and made from simple material, parks and/or natural areas are plentiful in the town. Many of the inhabitants are druids and prefer to go to sleep in their beasts’ forms. The preferred shape of the in habitants is the Camelopard, where each inhabitants have their distinct pattern when in their beast form.
Founding Date732 PA