Arethra (oilmaker series) Major Events of Arethra Timeline
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Major Events of Arethra

Astral Establishment

0 6119

The Astral Conclave was created, starting the era of Warlock Civilization.

  • 6040 AC

    6060 AC

    Global Warming crisis
    Population Migration / Travel

    Civilizations started to crumble around the equator, the heat killing anything that could possibly live. Mass emigration started so the people could survive. The rest of the world couldn't compensate.

  • 6050 AC

    6110 AC


    Short on food meant disease and famine spread across the globe.

  • 6050 AC

    15 /8
    6058 AC

    30 /3

    War for Space
    Military action

    With not enough food for everyone and not enough space for humanity to live, a war broke out between the immigrants and natives. No one won but the rich.

  • 6115 AC

    16 /4
    6120 AC

    5 /9

    The Great Emigration

    The voyage beneath ground humanity was forced to do. A new calendar was introduced so everyone in the world used the same, the Thaldorian Calendar. If the humans ever returned to the surface, a common date would be established.

    More reading
    The Great Emigration

The Scorched Era

6120 6619

Global warming caught up with the naive nature of humans. half a millenia was spent living underground, simply so humans could survive and give the planet a chance to recuperate.

  • 6120 UE

    10 /4
    6121 UE

    1 /1

    The Feast on the Rich

    Corporations and politicians had ensured safety for centuries, until the sun scorched the surface. Then only a few stood for the middle man, the rest tried to save themselves. What followed was a slaughter of the rich, for a fresh start beneath the surface.

  • 6121 UE

    1 /1

    The Convention of the future
    Political event

    Hard controls over how much a human can own and new laws were written.

  • 6231 UE

    The first comercially available cybernetic enhancement.
    Technological achievement

    Exclusive to amputees, cybernetics of all kinds became available for purchase.

New Earth

6620 and beyond

The ascension to the surface.

  • 6620 OE

    The ascension to the surface.
    Discovery, Exploration

    The great team of Aquaris-Magerion emerged on the surface, to face the fury of the sun. It was a safe venture meaning civilization above ground could finally return.

  • 6645 OE

    Present day
    Life, Career

    Vera Askirsdotter is working as an explorer to see if the world above is sustainable for live. This is when she receives a letter from the Astral Conclave.