Argentum Assembly, The Organization in Argea | World Anvil
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Argentum Assembly, The

Origins and Purpose

The Argentum Assembly emerged shortly after the First Gods forced the Worldsmith from the face of Argea. Their purpose was twofold: to safeguard the delicate balance of the world and to uphold the principles of order, structure, and loyalty. Each member of the Assembly pledged their existence to this sacred duty.

Halls of Wisdom

Within the warm, gleaming halls of the Citadel of Baur, the metallic dragons gather. Ancient tomes, inscribed in a celestial draconic script, line the shelves. Here, they study the Laws of Creation, deciphering the cosmic tapestry and ensuring that chaos remains at bay. Their debates echo through corridors of quicksilver, resonating with the weight of eons.

The Five Orders

The Argentum Assembly comprises five distinct orders, each embodying a facet of their sacred charge:
  1. The Justiciars: These draconic paladins patrol the world, enforcing the edicts of their Order and ensuring that mortals obey. When chaos threatens, their eyes blaze with righteous fury.
  2. The Lorekeepers: Scholars and historians, their eyes hold memories of epochs long past. They chronicle the rise and fall of empires, preserving knowledge within the Tarigan Codex.
  3. The Arbiters: When disputes arise among gods or mortals, these judges convene. Their verdicts ripple through the planes, binding fate. They value impartiality and law above all else.
  4. The Astral Wardens: Guardians of ley lines and cosmic nexuses, they weave protective spells. Their lairs straddle the boundaries between worlds, and their breath can mend rifts in reality. They stand vigilant against extraplanar threats.
  5. The Starforgers: Master artisans, they craft weapons and artifacts infused with celestial energy. Their anvils resonate with the heartbeat of creation.
Founding Date
49995 CP
Alliance, Military
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