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Church of Ilíos

For much of the world, the Church of Ilíos is the only religion they've ever known. It provides a spiritual structure that emulates the feudal government structures found throughout the world. While it is most prevalent in Alandr, Estemar, and Arkanmere, one can find heliocese in nine of Argea's twelve realms (only Funanori, the Aurium Pirate Republic, and Taqqadiya do not contain at least one heliocese).   It is the oldest faith in Argea--aside from First God worship--and can trace its history back to when Ilíos Himself walked on the face of the planet. While He could still commune with mere mortals, He dictated His teachings and it was recorded as the Lantern's Scroll. Later on, additional chapters were added to the book around the time of the First Founding of Alandr. These additions are collectively referred to as the Radiant Chapters or just the Radiant. One major difference between Ilotians (followers of the Church of Ilíos) and generic luminicists involves these added chapters. While the Radiant is treated as scripture by the Ilotian faithful, most luminicists do not include it in the Lantern's Scroll.   The Church is organized into twenty heliocese, or large geographic areas. Each heliocese is supervised by a Lantern who is assisted by a Lamplighter. The twenty heliocese listed below are each split into four Incandensces. Each of the eighty Incandensces are supervised by a Luminary. These eighty Luminaries oversee about 300 Hearths, or local congregations, in total.   Heliocese of the Church of Ilíos (as of 1131 YGP):
Heliocese Cathedral Year Dedicated Lantern Lamplighter
Aldenshade Shershu Cathedral (SHAYR-shoo) 670 YGP Ltn. Madin Spiritheart Lmp. Am Glanirsh
Catallo Sajsax Cathedral (ZAZJ-zash) 104 YGP Ltn. Ashul Bassi Lmp. Liochor Dirsk
Cinderscar Lyony Cathedral (Lee-OWN-yuh) 810 YGP Ltn. Kourlat Raseri Lmp. Tromol Pimi
Coldharbour Crédondua Cathedral (Cray-dawn-DOO-uh) 4112 YGR Ltn. Kasimir Ebral Lmp. Elben Vronzino
Deepwater Ampirrel Cathedral (Ahm-PEER-ahl) 865 YGP Ltn. Jajef Trevamoni Lmp. Godis Jahre
Edmund's Bridge Rónntadonliar Cathedral (Ron-tah-dawn-LEE-uhr) 71 YGP Archltn. Jehnur Karsk Lmp. Tellelm Dawnwater
Ferrostone Nabyirakos Cathedral (Nab-YEER-aw-kohsh) 15 YGP Ltn. Ummurth Khasheir Lmp. Gliff Zuricil
Griffenberg Órbragó Cathedral (Or-BRAW-joh) 444 YGP Ltn. Vlasar Stodrosk Lmp. Zirnil Vemerni
Immelvig Gykbraire Cathedral (Gick-brray-EAR-eh) 419 YGP Ltn. Falvarod Ziyamur Lmp. Shathes Skuove
Ironlight Kyil Cathedral (KYEEL) 277 YGP Ltn. Rhekheim Bado Lmp. Mendirvak Vlinzak
Khadzhan Pliftormer Cathedral (Pliff-TOR-myerj) 518 YGP Ltn. Assonov Timofeyevich Lmp. Krikov Savlievich
Kolavik Broaslåba Cathedral (Brew-uh-SLOW-baw) 729 YGP Ltn. Sigegar Anlafsson Lmp. Grimar Skidisson
Long Hearth Sking Cathedral (SKEEN) 887 YGP Ltn. Votis Sezargo Lmp. Rojat Havenstone
Ngome Mkarchsenyuw Cathedral (Mkarzj-SEE-nyuw) 3101 YGR Ltn. Gloa Mabostas Lmp. Nyalem Hihlu
Ravingen Sullschbie Cathedral (SULSH-bee) 3 YGP Ltn. Vetkaf Runkrihr Lmp. Manvar Bearguard
Salan Saslonpañuf Cathedral (Thawz-lone-PAN-yoof) 218 YGP Ltn. Reo Badi Lmp. Votinrin Viscisal
Seascale Banterate Cathedral (Byan-jzer-AW-tay) 3596 YGR Ltn. Hom Oddgor Lmp. Chiscivar Sadrirgun
Smouldervault Fiúorte Cathedral (Fyoo-ORRJ-tay) 4663 YGR Ltn. Rovus Godrasqin Lmp. Bodjor Gogige
Sterlingstead Rwohatin Cathedral (ROW-aw-teen) 909 YGP* Ltn. Teniz Tokevko Lmp. Stoth Nikulmalde
Virezzo Soeyr̄id Cathedral (Zoe-AY-rid) 332 YGR Ltn. Ennet Onzosca Lmp. Fildocos Nuroste
  *Rwohatin Cathedral is the newest Ilotian cathedral. It was built in the Arkannic style (thick, stone, isometric walls illuminated with reliefs and painted windows).


  1. Heliocese (HEEL-o-seez)
  2. The largest organizational body of the Church of Ilíos. Heliocese are supervised by Lanterns. There are twenty heliocese in Argea.
  3. Incandensce (In-CAN-dense)
  4. Each heliocese is split into four incandensces. Each incandensce is supervised by a Luminary. Incandensces are locally named and managed.
  5. Hearths
  6. Each incandensce can contain an unlimited number of hearths. Anywhere from 1-1,000 individuals can belong to a single hearth. Hearths are supervised by Hearthers, the most local of all Ilotian clergymen.

Divine Origins

When Ilíos first visited the world, He bestowed great power upon His followers and aided them in their quest to eradicate their draconic overlords. He guided His followers, educating and uplifting them through His holy word. Once, while walking with a throng of followers among the Balimar Highlands, He referred to the group as His "luminaries." Thus, the name of the religion was created. Centuries later, some followers began to refer to themselves as "luminicists" instead. This distinction is unnecessary, but ardent believers continue to argue over which is proper regardless.

Tenets of Faith

And then the Lord of Light spake unto His followers, saying,   "Be ye lanterns unto others. Shine my light upon those who remain in darkness that they may have health and happiness;   Write ye my words and ponder upon them, for they contain vestiges of my light. Preach ye nothing unto the nonbelievers lest your generosity be misconstrued as foolishness. Let those who seek the light walk forward upon their own power and enter into my glow." (Lantern's Scroll, The Radiant, The Beacon, verse 1).


Members read daily from the Lantern's Scroll. Zealous adherents often transcribe bits of the Scrolls and weave them into the hems of their clothing. It is not uncommon to see a believing household with framed quotes and illustrative paintings referencing the Lantern's Scroll.   Believers are to confess--and forgive--their trespasses against one another each year on Ilíos' Day. They are also expected to attend services each Sondre at a chapel, temple, or cathedral dedicated to Ilíos. Where one cannot find a building, they are to read and ponder on the Lantern's Scroll for an hour.   Baptized members of the faith can purchase indulgences to absolve themselves of sins. This practice is frowned upon by other luminicists.


Lord Lantern
The King of Alandr is the Lord Lantern of the Church of Ilíos and Defender of the Faith.
The Archbishop is the functional head of the Church and runs the day-to-day operations. He is the highest-ranking minister in the Church and functionally holds an equivalent rank to the Monarch.
Lanterns are responsible for large districts--called heliocese, or a collection of four incandensces--of believers and are typically headquartered in a cathedral in a major city. A Lantern has typically been a professional clergyman for more than fifteen years.
Lamplighters are responsible for the secular needs of heliocese and report directly to Lanterns. A Lamplighter has typically been a professional clergyman for more than eight years.
Luminaries are responsible for an incandensce, a collection of hearths. They are primarily concerned with the spiritual wellbeing of these congregations and assist in guiding Hearthers through challenging episodes. A Luminary has typically been a professional clergyman for more than five years.
Hearthers oversee a single congregation, or hearth. They are responsible for the secular and spiritual needs of their members. They report to the Luminary and have typically been a professional clergyman for more than three years.


There are two major sects of the Church. While neither separated entirely from the Church, they are different enough to be considered separate religions according to some.
Sect Name Headquarters Year Founded Core Beliefs
Luminicism Edmund's Bridge 611 YGR One can worship in their heart. The sacraments of the Church are not necessary.
Seraphism Acadicci 124 YGP Glory belongs to all of the Nine Spears, not only Ilíos.
  Unlike the two major sects of the Church of Ilíos, there are four major monastic orders faithful to Ilotian doctrine. As of 1131 YGP, they are as follows:  
Order NameHeadquartersYear FoundedAbbotCore Beliefs
Illumine GuardEilítúbei Castle, Djinnscar (Ell-ee-TYOOH-byay)434 YGR Sir Annar the Honorable Church property must be protected by any means--even violence.
Acluan Order Cróruas Abbey, Scarra (Cryoh-ROO-ayce) 1251 YGR Prior Maisier Hudirgo Service to Ilíos requires vows of poverty and chastity.
Order of Llaladil Ćosḡifijo, Montevarre (Koz-gee-FEE-jzoh) 3493 YGR Father Forcirvir Cemascur The philosophy and theology of Ilíos must be collected and shared.
Zlursivlos (Pilgrim's Guard) Ftorkubr Citadel, Vetochkin (Ftor-KOO-buhrj) 788 YGP Sir Galvet Krasimir Pilgrims, travelers, and crusaders must be protected and defended from all non-believers.
Founding Date
332 YGR
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title


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