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Luminicism (Loo-MIN-uh-sihzm)

Luminicism is the name of a collection of ideals and goals preached by Ilíos. It is one of the oldest faiths in Argea and can trace its history back to when the god Himself walked on the face of the planet. While he could still commune with mere mortals, He dictated His word to His followers and it was recorded as the Lantern's Scroll. Later, apocryphal, chapters were added to the book by officials of the Church of Ilíos. These additions are collectively referred to as the Radiant Chapters or just the Radiant.   Followers of Luminicism are called luminicists. While Ilíos has not founded or sanctioned an officially organized church, Alandr's Church of Ilíos adheres to luminicist doctrine and is often considered to be the organized arm of luminicism.

Divine Origins

When Ilíos first visited the world, He bestowed great power upon His followers and aided them in their quest to eradicate their draconic overlords. He guided His followers, educating and uplifting them through His holy word. Once, while walking with a throng of followers among the Balimar Highlands, He referred to the group as His "luminaries." Thus, the name of the religion was created. Centuries later, some followers began to refer to themselves as "luminicists" instead. This distinction is unnecessary, but ardent believers continue to argue over which is proper regardless.

Tenets of Faith

And then the Lord of Light spake unto His followers, saying,   "Be ye lanterns unto others. Shine my light upon those who remain in darkness that they may have health and happiness;   Write ye my words and ponder upon them, for they contain vestiges of my light.   Preach ye nothing unto the nonbelievers lest your generosity be misconstrued as foolishness. Let those who seek the light walk forward upon their own power and enter into my glow." (Lantern's Scroll, Scroll 2, verse 9)


Lumincists or luminaries read daily from the Lantern's Scroll. Zealous adherents often transcribe bits of the Scrolls and weave them into the hems of their clothing. It is not uncommon to see a believing household with framed quotes and illustrative paintings referencing the Lantern's Scroll.   Believers are to confess--and forgive--their trespasses against one another each year on Ilíos' Day.


Luminicism has no organized priesthood.


The foremost sect of Luminicism is the Church of Ilíos in Alandr.
Religious, Sect
Permeated Organizations


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