Prismatic Conclave, The Organization in Argea | World Anvil
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Prismatic Conclave, The

Origins and Purpose

The Prismatic Conclave emerged shortly after the First Gods forced the Worldsmith from the face of Argea. Their hearts burned with a singular purpose: freedom from divine shackles. They rejected the celestial puppetry that guided mortals and sought to forge their own destinies by any means.

The Spire of Ivos

The proud Lords of Color gather within the astonishingly tall, iridescent Spire of Ivos located on the Draconic Plane. The floors, walls, and ceilings are carved with tales of conquest, glory, and ambition. Dragons of all colors gather their treasure here, hoarding against the gods, old and new.

The Code of Color:

  • We Honor Ivos. No blood shall be spilt nor treasure taken from within the walls of the Spire.
  • Our God is Gold. Wealth is power; without it, dragons have no worth.
  • Fettered Wings Fall. No dragon shall bow to the authority of another creature lest they forfeit their titles and wealth.
  • Color, Our Common Cause. No dragon shall contend one with another in the face of a great threat.
The Four Orders The Prismatic Conclave comprises four distinct orders, each embodying an important role:
  1. The Sovereigns: Also known as the "Stewards of the Spire," most of these dragons keep the Spire clean, organized, and safe. Those who do not attend the Spire can be found tending to important landmarks across the planes.
  2. The Scribes: The Scribes of the Spire keep the history, lore, and geneology of all dragons, regardless of color or allegiance. The Scribes' libraries are rivaled only by those kept by the Argentum Assembly's Lorekeepers.
  3. The Banners: These draconic warriors are legendary for their intuition, bravery, and, often, their brutality. The Prismatic Conclave's Banners rarely venture forth, especially in the dark years since the arrival of the Luminarchs. 
  4. The Inquisitors: These sly and cunning investigators enforce the Code of Color in all realms and on all planes. They are infamous among dragons for their crafty wordplay. To an Inquisitor, oaths are unbreakable and all words count as oaths.
Founding Date
49995 CP
Alliance, Military
Related Species


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