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It is said, in the furthest and most early days of the era of dragons, when the race of elves were still young upon the world, the humble race known as the kobold toiled under all other inhabitants of the empire. Small in stature and lacking in the power of other dragonkin, they were both mocked and mistreated, even by the elves who beget no respect of the dragonkin themselves. It was, as it seemed, that even with the blood of dragons coursing through their veins, the kobolds were left bereft of its gifts.   That is, until one special case came. Pink in scales, the kobold Dorca was born of the lowest caste of society. Subjected to all the cruelty and rigor of the life of servitude given to the kobold race, they looked at those above them, seeing the ascension of the half-dragons not as a gift but rather as the result of power of self, reasoning that as long as one possesses dragon blood, they could become a dragon.   Thus, they looked inward. Tirelessly, relentlessly, Dorca improved themself on every level they could, strengthening their body, mind and soul, growing faster, stronger, yet more deadly and more aware of the world both around and within themself. They grew from a nobody to an oddity, then from an oddity they became a curiosity, and still from there they became a model, an example to their brethren.   Dorca, born an otherwise normal kobold with remarkable traits, had acquired the attention and support of the entirety of their fellows, and thus also attracted the attention of those higher than them. It came to the point in which Dorca had caused too much instability within the ranks of the dragons, kobolds resisting and even fighting with those above them in an attempt to follow their example, and thus the kobold had to die.  
  The bar they lived in was soon after surrounded by the forces of the dragons, each one intent on making an example of the aspirant who worked within. Within minutes, the front of the building was reduced to ashes by a white-hot gout of flame, bringing discomfort even to those with a natural connection to fire...but the blast came not from outside, but from within the bar itself. From the still burning wreckage of the tavern, a figure emerged, towering over the assembled soldiers to impose their might upon those foolish enough to face them. Standing in front of the crowd, the golden dragon known as Dorca made themself known to the world, and made their mark on it forever. With the ascension of a kobold, the rest of the kobolds soon rose in social status as well, the simple knowledge that a kobold was capable of the feat itself enough to warrant the improvement of their rank. Dorca, now possessing the form and power of a true dragon, went elsewhere, wishing to see the world so that they still might grow, and perhaps reach some next level of ascension even dragons had not yet reached. After all, if they did it once, perhaps it was possible to do it again.   In time, Dorca would be renamed to Dorca'ku, and given both land, rank, and respect within the Eminent. They know rule over their own territory, where kobold kind is respected more than any other. The lands of Dorca'ku are known throughout the Eminent as being the most peaceful, and with the gold dragons experienced rulership, with little hardship or strife. Despite all of this, Dorca is still known to spend most of their time transformed into their kobold form, wearing their smaller scales proudly.
Yellow, almost Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pink Scales
43 lbs.

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Character Portrait image: by Waga


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