Kummer's Tasteful Quill
Some sequestered relics are not dangerous so much as they are...enthusiastic. The best explanation I can offer is that some people are more comfortable than others with the inevitability of death.
Because each relic reflects the lived experience of a single, unique individual, each relic is one-of-a-kind.
The shaft is made of jet, and the nib is a precision-cut black diamond. The barbs are long and loosely flowing; inky black that reflects blue in any light.
:D I'm so flattered!!! Thank you! I love "feral library child"! I mean, you nailed me with this one. But I do have to ask... Just how did you know I used green ink?!?!?! :D Again, this is too awesome!!! :D
TBH, I didn't. It was a reference to old green screen monitors.
Haly, the Moonlight Bard
Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.
Ok, that's tough but fair. I thought it might be a reference to the old green monochrome with the 0s and 1s reference but ... it is a hilarious coincidence! :D
I, too, am Old As Fuck (tm). I learned code in school on an Apple IIe, and at home on a Commodore 64. I remember green screens, first-hand.
Haly, the Moonlight Bard
Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.
Oh, I so remember a Commodore 64. I learned to code on a TRS-80 myself, but then moved up to a Commodore 64 and an Apple IIe. Yep, I remember those monochrome screens. Ah, the days of green screens!