Harborwick, also known as Limenikas in Partic (from the words for "cove, harbor" and "small town") is a small, seaside town on the south of Tibur.
While usually a peaceful fishing village, during times of duress or war it becomes an important stronghold for the country of Thalassia. Its location and design make it highly defensible, historically making it a vital strategic asset.
The village is surrounded by cliffs that drop sharply into the sea, deterring any would-be attackers from the water. The only approach by land is through a narrow pass, easily guarded by the villagers and fortified with a sturdy gate. The harbor is protected by a natural cove with a series of watchtowers built atop the cliffs, providing a vantage point to spot incoming ships and sea monsters.
Due to its history, the village guard is well-trained in the use of crossbows. Even the civilians are strongly encouraged, sometimes even forced, to get trained.
The fish market is a hive of activity, with vendors selling the day’s catch, ranging from silvery herring to the prized sea bass. Locals barter for the best prices, some even travel from nearby cities.
Beyond the gate, atop the cliffs, you’ll find the village's fields. Where crops of barley and rye sway in the breeze, and a few small mills grind the grain.
There were many thriving merchants in Harborwick running successful shops such as:
- The Mackerel Market - a general store,
- Carp-enters - a carpentry and woodworking shop,
- Marlin’s Manuscripts - a bookstore,
- The Anchovy’s Anvil - a blacksmith.