Bahamut Character in Argus | World Anvil
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Bahamut (Bah-Hah-Muut)

(a.k.a. Platinum Guardian, Scale Sovereign, Wyrm-King of Justice, Noble Dragonlord, Winged Arbiter)

Bahamut is the only platinum dragon in existence, who ascended to godhood and is revered as the deity of justice, protection, and nobility. This majestic dragon god is often depicted as a massive platinum-scaled dragon with blue eyes, radiating an aura of awe-inspiring power. Bahamut is a staunch defender against the forces of evil, embodying the virtues of honor and integrity. Worshiped by knights, paladins, and those who champion the cause of righteousness, Bahamut is a symbol of hope and a powerful ally against the dark forces that threaten the realms.

Divine Domains

Protection, Nobility, Scalykind, Good, Law

Holy Books & Codes

The Breath of Justice Tablets: Inscribed on ancient Platinum tablets, these scripture recounts tales of Bahamut's interventions to uphold justice. It imparts lessons on fairness, integrity, and the relentless pursuit of righteousness, urging dragons and disciples to emulate Bahamut's commitment to maintaining and delivering swift and fair justice.   Draconic Hymns of Benevolence: A collection of hymns and verses praising Bahamut's benevolent nature. These texts written on parchment, bound in a book inlaid with various metals, alloys and gems focuses on acts of kindness, compassion, and charitable deeds, inspiring dragons to spread goodwill and actively contribute to the well-being of all creatures.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Wings of Justice: A pair of majestic dragon wings, stretched wide and typically used as a cloak broach, embodies Bahamut's dominion over the skies and his role as a harbinger of justice.   Dragon's Eye Sigil: A stylized dragon's eye, its pupil shaped like a platinum scale, representing Bahamut's all-seeing gaze and divine insight.   Iconography: Bahamut's iconic imagery reflects his regal platinum form, often depicted with outstretched wings forming a protective shield, symbolizing his role as a guardian. Common motifs include a scale of justice, held by bahamut or simply platinum-coloured scales.

Tenets of Faith

Justice and Impartiality: Strive for a world where justice is impartial and fair, ensuring that actions align with moral duty and a commitment to righteousness.   Protection of the Innocent: Dedicate oneself to shielding the weak and defenseless from harm, oppression, and injustice.   Nobility and Honor: Uphold a code of conduct that reflects the highest moral standards, fostering a sense of honor in all interactions and endeavors.   Kinship with Dragons: Recognize and respect the kinship among metallic dragons and their allies, fostering cooperation and unity for shared noble goals.   Courage and Resolve: Embrace courage in the face of adversity, confronting evil directly and standing firm against injustice, even when faced with personal risk.   Service to the Greater Good: Devote one's strength, skills, and influence to the betterment of society and the world at large, aligning actions with the pursuit of noble ideals and the greater good.


Summer Sojourn - Sunburst 1st-5th: Celebrated during the peak of summer, this holiday emphasizes the warmth of Bahamut's celestial influence. Devotees engage in acts of charity, basking in the sun's radiance, and partake in dragon-themed contests to strengthen their bonds with each other and dragonkind.   Crystalheart Communion - Wyvernwatch 28th-30th: A gathering in the last few days of Wyvernwatch as the earth becomes frozen and the first snow is but days away, this holiday honors Bahamut as a protector against the oncoming cold

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Bahamut's philosophy is founded on the principles of justice, nobility, and protection. As the Platinum Dragon, he embodies the essence of goodness and encourages his followers to uphold a moral code that champions fairness and impartiality. An emphasis is placed on the importance of using one's strength for the greater good and shielding the innocent from harm and injustice. Honorable conduct and a sense of nobility are core values, fostering a commitment to the highest moral standards. Followers are called to recognize a kinship with dragons, treating these creatures with respect and cooperation. Courage is revered, urging devotees to confront evil directly and stand against injustice with unwavering resolve.


Unjust Conquest: Followers of Bahamut strictly forbid acts of unjust conquest or aggression. Engaging in wars without just cause or seeking to dominate others through force is considered a grave taboo, as Bahamut champions justice and honorable conduct.   Betrayal of Oaths: Pledges and oaths are sacred to the followers of Bahamut. Breaking a sworn promise or betraying the trust of allies is considered a severe transgression, as it goes against the principles of loyalty and honor upheld by the Platinum Dragon.   Ritual of the Scales of Judgment: This forbidden practice involves attempting to manipulate or alter the balance of justice by enchanting or corrupting a dragon scale from a dragon close to the person facing trial, It is often obtained through deceitful means. The scale is then used as a divinatory tool to predict outcomes or sway legal proceedings then ultimately, should the person being judged be found guilty of anything whatsoever being discussed in the trial, both the donor dragon and the defendant will burst in flame from the pure godly energy being channeled from them. Such a ritual is strictly condemned by Bahamut's followers, as it seeks to exploit the divine connection between the dragon god and dragons for personal gain. The "Scale of Judgment" is seen as a corruption of justice and a perversion of the noble principles Bahamut embodies. Those discovered engaging in this ritual face severe consequences, as it not only violates the sanctity of the dragon scales but also undermines the core values of justice, honesty, and integrity upheld by the Platinum Dragon.
Divine Classification

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