Chapter 1: The Misfits Meet Plot in Argus | World Anvil
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Chapter 1: The Misfits Meet

As the sun sets over the town of Kingsholm, the townsfolk gather in hushed whispers, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Two days ago, a family of mourners ventured up into the graveyard, but they never returned. The townsfolk's concerns grew as a pair of sentinels, tasked with investigating the disappearance, also vanished without a trace. Panic spreads through the town like a wildfire, and the people look to the Misfit's Guild for help as for better or worse, they cannot nearly afford the rate of mercenaries or other adventurer guilds.   As their ancient graveyard is one of their pride and townsfolk believe it to be blessed, they are rightly in shock as this is the first time such misfortune has struck their town. Desperate for answers, the townsfolk turn to a figure known as Yam'Sera, the enigmatic leader of the Misfit's Guild, a group of adventurers who have made a name for themselves in the region for taking on unconventional quests and solving mysteries that others shy away from, to prove that they too, can be part of a greater society and seek acceptance.   Yam'Sera sends word to 3 recent applicants. A Kitsune, an Orc and a (InsertBetthaNewRaceHere). Summoning them to a rundown tavern on the outskirts of town. The tavern, known as The Scale n' Stein, is a dimly lit and smoke-filled establishment, filled with an eclectic mix of patrons, from grizzled mercenaries to shady figures in dark corners. The scent of stale ale and unwashed bodies fills the air, and the low hum of conversation falls silent as each of the players characters enter one after the other at different intervals.   At a corner table, they spot Yam'Sera, a small, wiry figure with a hood pulled low over their face, yet a handful of tails behind her and ears poking out from inside the hood. Her eyes gleam with curiosity and amusement as she welcomes the trio to take a seat as they arrive. Yam'Sera explains that the disappearances in the graveyard have the townsfolk on edge, and they believe something dark and sinister is at play.   "I've been keeping an eye on each of you lot," Yam'Sera says, their voice a whisper that carries with it an air of mystery. "You've got potential, and I think you're just the right misfits for the job. The townsfolk need answers, and I'm willing to pay handsomely for the truth. Are you up for a little graveyard investigation?"   Yam'Sera lays out the details of the quest, explaining that the graveyard is believed to be cursed, and that the disappearances may be linked to ancient tombs and crypts hidden beneath the graves. The misfits are tasked with unraveling the mystery, uncovering the truth behind the curse, and putting an end to whatever darkness has taken root in Kingsholm.   With the promise of a handsome reward and the weight of the townsfolk's fear and hope resting on their shoulders, the misfits must decide if they are up to the challenge. Will they be able to solve the mystery of the graveyard and bring peace back to Kingsholm, will they become the latest victims of the curse that haunts the town? Or will they turn tail and turn the quest down? Adventure is afoot, and the fate of Kingsholm lies in the hands of the newly recruited misfits.



Two days ago, a family of mourners ventured up into the graveyard and didn’t return. A pair of sentinels investigated, but these guards vanished as well. The townsfolk are in a panic. They’ve always heard rumors of disturbances in graveyards and tombs, but never has such misfortune struck in their town. They look to the team of misfits they hired for aid.
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