Ehlonna Character in Argus | World Anvil
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Ehlonna (a.k.a. Mother-Moon, She-Who-Nurtures, Wrath of Night, The Huntress)

Ehlonna is often depicted as a silver-haired elf with a crescent moon pointing skyward on her forehead. Her garb varies, ranging from the serviceable clothing of a forester or ranger to the delicate gown of an elven princess, but it is always pale green. Ehlonna watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelihood there. She is also known as the Moon or Night goddess.

Divine Domains

Hunt, Animal, Good, Moon, Elf

Holy Books & Codes

Lunar Codex: Chronicles of Woodland Balance - Contains most of the mythos, stories surrounding Ehlonna, as well as detailed instructions on how to care for numerous plants, animals, groves, forests, etc.   Moonlit Scriptures: Sacred Scrolls of Sylvan Harmony - A set of scrolls, each detailing the core tenets of the faith   Ehlonna's Veil: Teachings of the Circle of Life and Death - Small collection of very ancient books very few but the highest of Ehlonna's clergy ever get to see. Contains all of Ehlonna's rituals performed by their high clerics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crescent Horn: An emblematic fusion of the crescent moon and the noble horn of a unicorn, embodying the harmonious balance between the celestial and the earthly.   Lunar Sigil: A stylized representation of the crescent moon, typically made of mythril, is often inscribed on holy artifacts and worn as a talisman by devotees. It symbolizes the ever-changing nature of life and the cyclical rhythms that echo the phases of the moon.   Iconography: Often includes depictions of Ehlonna herself, with silver hair cascading down her regal form, crowned by the crescent moon. Her gaze reflects both the nurturing compassion and the vengefulness of a mother.

Tenets of Faith

Harmony with Nature: Devotees of Ehlonna strive to live in harmony with the natural world, recognizing that all living things are interconnected. They seek to protect and nurture the woodlands.   Compassionate Stewardship: Followers are taught to be compassionate stewards of the land, embodying Ehlonna's benevolence. They take on the responsibility of safeguarding the woodlands, ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants, and promoting sustainable practices to preserve the delicate ecosystems.   Cycle of Life and Death: The faith emphasizes an acceptance of the cyclical nature of life, mirrored in the phases of the moon. Followers are encouraged to embrace change, acknowledging that each stage of life holds its own lessons and beauty.   Balance of Wrath and Mercy: While embodying compassion, devotees also embody the vengeance and the wrath of nature in times of imbalance and injustice. To protect the sanctity of the woodlands, but also understanding that a delicate equilibrium requires both mercy and, when necessary, the stern hand of the Mother Moon's wrath.


Woodland Renewal (Spring Greening) - Moonstone 15th-18th: Woodland Renewal marks the arrival of spring, celebrating the renewal of life and the vibrant blossoming of the natural world. Devotees participate in tree-planting ceremonies, communal hunts with gratitude for the bounty provided, and the crafting of floral wreaths. The festival emphasizes the cyclical nature of life, echoing the teachings of Ehlonna and fostering a sense of hope and rejuvenation within the community. It is also said that if celebrations are in perfect harmony with nature, the moon will be coaxed to come closer throughout the month, as it is the most distant in the first week of Moonstone.   Lunar Revelry (Lunar Solstice) Harvestmoon 2nd-4th: Celebrated during the height of the lunar cycle when the moon is the biggest and brightest in the sky, The Lunar Revelry is a joyous festival dedicated to Ehlonna's benevolent aspects. Followers gather in moonlit clearings, adorned with crescent symbols and reflective and luminous garb, to express gratitude for the flourishing woodlands and to honor the interconnectedness of all living things. Rituals include moonlit dances, communal feasts, and the harvest.   Veiled Vigil (Rememberance and celebration of the dead) Frostfall 22nd: Veiled Vigil is a solemn observance during the long winter months where the moon glow can barely be seen in the sky due to thick clouds obscuring the view. It is a time for paying homage to family members, friends, animals, pets, etc. who passed away recently. Devotees engage in introspective ceremonies, seeking balance within themselves and acknowledging the necessity of the cycle of life and death, no matter how unfair it may feel to individuals, it is important for the greater good. Offerings are made to the moon, and sacred fires are kindled to symbolize the enduring strength required to protect the woodlands and all life within it. It is common to light up moon-shaped lanterns and hang them around wood or grove borders, roads and locations where a loved one passed away, so that they can always find their way home to the forest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the ancient days when the forests whispered secrets to those who listened, there arose a silver-haired elf named Ehlonna. Born under the auspices of a crescent moon, her destiny was woven with the very fabric of the woodlands. As she traversed the vast canopies and trod softly through the underbrush, her connection with the natural world deepened.   One fateful night, under the radiant glow of the moon, Ehlonna encountered a wounded creature, its fur matted and eyes reflecting both fear and gratitude. Moved by compassion, she mended the creature's wounds and offered it solace within the shelter of the trees. This act of kindness rippled through the ancient woods, awakening the spirits that dwelled within.   The spirits, enchanted by Ehlonna's benevolence, granted her a divine gift—the crescent moon, a celestial mark upon her forehead symbolizing her connection with the night. From that moment forth, Ehlonna became the Moon Goddess, the guardian of the forests, and the protector of all who cherished the woodlands.

Morality & Philosophy

At the heart of Ehlonna's philosophy is the belief in the interconnectedness of all living things. She imparts the wisdom that every creature, from the smallest woodland critter to the mightiest ancient tree, plays a vital role in the intricate web of life. Followers of Ehlonna learn to appreciate the diversity of the forest and to live in harmony with its inhabitants.   Yet, within the moonlit shadows, Ehlonna's wrath for those who endanger nature cannot be ignored. Her followers understand that the forest, while nurturing and serene, also can be a fierce and protective force to be reckoned with. In moments of imbalance and injustice, they channel the wrath of nature as a force to restore equilibrium and defend the sanctity of the woodlands.


  • Breaking the balance by performing acts of necromancy, or performing other such profane acts
  • Rite of the Vengeful Huntress: This taboo rite, exclusive to the most dedicated followers, grants access to formidable powers, but at a grave cost. In the moonlit exchange, devotees willingly sacrifice their remaining life force during a night under the Full Moon to channel the wrath of the lunar diety, attaining incredible abilities. However, this potent boon is ephemeral, tethered to the cyclical rhythms of the moon. By the time the New Moon arrives and the moon is no longer visible in the sky, the borrowed powers, just as the moon, will wane. Having paid such a heavy toll, the devotee will then face their own mortality and die, as their body are completely ravaged by the incredible powers bestowed upon them. A consequence accepted by those who dare to navigate this perilous journey of vengence.
  • Divine Classification

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