Firan Ko Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Firan Ko (Fee-Ran Koh)

Firan Ko is a bustling city that stands out in the midst of the vast desert landscape that surrounds it. The city's architecture has been heavily influenced by its founders' nomadic origins, with its buildings being constructed from sandstone and adobe bricks. The city is characterized by its tall walls and winding streets, which serve as protection from the frequent sandstorms that sweep across the desert.   The central part of the city is the marketplace, which is a hub of activity and trade. Here, merchants from all over the region gather to sell their wares, from spices and textiles to precious metals and gems. The marketplace is surrounded by various shops and businesses, including smithies, tanneries, and glassblowing studios.   The city's main attraction is the Fire Beetle Ranch, located on the outskirts of the city. The Fire Beetles are bred and raised by the local nomads, who have mastered the art of capturing and training these dangerous creatures. The ranch is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming from far and wide to witness the nightly spectacle of the Fire Beetles lighting up the sky.

Points of interest

Open Bazaar


Merchants, Nomadic Tribes, Collectors, Hot-Climate lovers


Oriental and "Middle-Eastern".


Hot, Desert

Natural Resources

Spices, Textiles, Gems, Glassware, Pottery
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Firan Koans

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