Game 5 Report in Argus | World Anvil
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Game 5

General Summary

16nd of Sunburst - Anita, Zophia, Goro, and Wise were alerted by heavy footsteps emanating from the entrance door following its opening; they remained on high alert. Meanwhile, the new members of the Misfit gang, Gormak and Vayl, entered the Mausoleum. They observed numerous corpses and skeletons, indicating a recent battle. After a brief discussion in the corridor to confirm that their respective groups were not threats to each other, they joined forces and quickly got to know one another, acknowledging that their goals differed: some were recruited to investigate the problem of the dead, others to prevent further thefts. They then continued deeper into the Mausoleum by descending through a trapdoor. Throwing a torch down the stairs, they noticed the presence of bones. Upon reaching this level, they encountered two skeletons and a ghoul zombie. The battle was long and arduous, with powerful blows from the enemies and the new group struggling to land their attacks.   During the fight, Gormak fell twice, Wise once, and Zofia also twice. Wise and Vayl used most of their healing spells to rescue them. Thanks to repeated grappling and a few successful hits, they eventually overcame the ghoul, though not without injury. With only one spell left, Vayl rushed to the village to acquire a potion, which he administered to Gormak. Zofia was stabilized with a Vigor spell. Due to the group's injuries and Zofia's unconscious state, the decision was made to rest again at the inn. The innkeeper, initially annoyed by the group's quick return, eventually grasped the situation and the severity of the problems in the Mausoleum. On the occasion of Vayl's birthday, he requested something sweet to celebrate in a relaxed manner. The rest of the group withdrew to rest.
Report Date
02 Jan 2024
Primary Location
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Author's Notes

Created by Vayl. 50EXP Awarded.

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