Hirdlos Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Hirdlos (Here-Dlohss)

The city has become a center of mining and crafting, with dwarves and gnomes leading the way in producing high-quality metalwork. This is, without forgetting the core role wyverns and Wyvernriding plays in this society. The dragonborn have also played a significant role in the city's growth, serving as fierce defenders of Hirdlos against any threats from the wild wyverns and other dangerous creatures that call the mountain and Underdark calls home.   Over time, the city has grown and expanded deeper into the mountain, with new tunnels and caverns being carved out to accommodate the growing population. The city's leadership is now shared between the dragonborn, dwarves, and gnomes, who work together to maintain order and ensure the continued prosperity of Hirdlos.   The city is also a popular destination for adventurers and treasure-seekers, drawn by the legends of ancient dwarven and elven ruins hidden deep within the mountain. However, the dangers of the wyverns and other creatures that dwell in the mountain mean that only the most skilled and well-equipped adventurers dare to venture into the depths.   Overall, Hirdlos: Wyvern's Nest stands strong as a testament to the determination and resourcefulness of its founders, and continues to be a hub of industry, trade, and adventure in the world of Argus.


The entrance to the city is a winding path that leads into a cave system that eventually opens up into a grand hall that serves as the main hub of the city. The city's architecture is a mix of sturdy stone structures that are built into the natural rock formations of the mountain, with winding staircases and bridges connecting different levels of the city. Akin to a surface version of the Underdark.


Hirdlos is ruled by a single monarch, who is typically alternating between a descendant of the original dragonborn founders, dwarven founders and gnomish founders. every decade. The monarch is advised by a small group of trusted advisers, but ultimately has the final say in all matters of governance. The people of Hirdlos have a strong sense of loyalty to their ruler and trust in their leadership.


The city is designed in a vertical manner with multiple levels and tunnels interconnected by stairs, ladders, and elevators, giving it a unique layout. The streets and tunnels are lit with torches and magical lamps. The buildings are made of a mix of stone and wood, with some buildings built into the very rock of the mountain. The city's water supply is sourced from mountain streams and is channeled through a complex network of aqueducts, fountains, and cisterns, ensuring that the city has a steady supply of water.

Guilds and Factions

Dwarven Mining Guild: oversees the city's extensive mining operations. They are responsible for extracting the precious metals and gems that can be found within the mountain, and have access to the most valuable resources in the region. They are also responsible for maintaining the intricate system of tunnels and shafts that run throughout the city.   Dragonborn Warrior's Guild: a group of fierce warriors who specialize in the use of heavy armor and melee combat. They are often hired as guards or mercenaries by wealthy individuals or other guilds in the city, and are known for their loyalty and strength.   Gnomish Engineering Guild: is responsible for the city's impressive technological advancements. They are skilled inventors and mechanics, and have created a wide range of devices and machines that are used throughout the city. They are also responsible for maintaining the city's complex network of pipes and valves that provide water and other resources to the citizens of Hirdlos.   Wyvern Riders: are a close-knit group, and their guild is based on the ideals of strength, honor, and loyalty. They take great pride in their ability to fly on the backs of these mighty beasts and engage in aerial combat against any threats that may arise. Many of the city's Paladins are part of this guild.

Points of interest

The central forge: where the city's finest smiths create armor and weapons using the ores mined from the mountain. The Grand Library: which is the largest repository of knowledge in the region, containing tomes on history, magic, and the natural world it has some of the oldest texts recorded in history, second only to Vihsanna. Wyvern Academy: Wyverns are cared for, and the riders are trained, as well as a trading post where goods are bought and sold.


Adventurers, Dragon/Wyvern enthusiasts, History buffs, Architecture enthusiasts, Naturalists


The architecture of Hirdlos is impressive, with buildings and structures built into the very mountain itself. The main entrance to the city is a massive, ornate gate carved from the mountain rock, and the streets wind and twist through the city, with buildings built into the sides of the mountain. The buildings themselves are made of stone and metal, with intricate carvings and decorative touches that speak to the city's long history and culture. Bridges and walkways crisscross the streets and connect buildings, allowing for easy travel throughout the city. The homes and buildings are cozy and warm, with fireplaces and hearths providing warmth during the cold mountain winters. Overall, the architecture of Hirdlos is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the dragonborn, gnome, and dwarves who carved the city from within the mountain.


Hirdlos is nestled high in the largest mountain range in the world, surrounded by jagged peaks and treacherous cliffs. The city is located near the treeline, and the lower slopes of the mountain are covered in dense forests of pine and spruce. Above the treeline, the landscape gives way to barren, windswept tundra, dotted with hardy alpine plants and craggy boulders. Crystal-clear streams and rivers cut through the landscape, fed by the snowmelt that pours down from the mountain's peak. In the distance, towering glaciers glint in the sunlight, hinting at the eternal ice that lies at the very top of the moutain and further north, on the other side of it.


Hirdlos, being located inside a mountain, experiences a unique climate. The temperature is consistently cool throughout the year, with a slight increase in warmth during the summer months. The air is crisp and fresh due to the great ventilation shafts built by its people, keeping the inside slightly cold, but steady throughout the year. However, due to its location, the city can experience sudden changes in temperature and weather conditions. Rainfall is minimal, but snow is common during the winter months, making for a picturesque winter wonderland. The city is shielded from the harsher elements of the mountain, providing a comfortable living environment for its residents.

Natural Resources

Wyvern Eggs, Iron, Mythril, Copper, Stone
Founding Date
Large city
30% Dragonborn, 28% Dwarves, 33% Gnomes, 7% Other
Inhabitant Demonym

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