Jugasa Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Jugasa (Juh-Gah-Ssa)

Jugasa, the City of Desire, was founded in a time for need of decadence and excess, a place where those who wished to indulge in their darkest desires could do so without fear of judgment or persecution. The world finally was healing, and people needed to blow off some steam, or get back to a semblance of life. Those far from the larger cities did not have the same opportunities to live a decent life, so it quickly became known as a haven for all manner of vices and pleasures, drawing in people from all corners of the world.   Over the years, Jugasa grew and evolved, becoming a thriving city of sin and excess. Though it remains one of the smaller main cities, it still held a strong financial and therefore political power. It was ruled by a council of wealthy merchants and influential pleasure-seekers, each vying for power and influence over the city's debauched populace.   And so it was, with its reputation as a city of vice, Jugasa was not without its troubles. Plagues and diseases were common in the city's cramped and unsanitary quarters, and the constant influx of outsiders brought with it a fair share of crime and unrest. The council struggled to maintain order, but corruption and self-interest often got in the way of true justice.   As the years passed, Jugasa's reputation only grew, drawing in even more thrill-seekers and pleasure-seekers. But with that growth came an increase in the city's problems. Gangs and criminal organizations vied for control, and rival factions within the council clashed openly in the streets.   Over time, Jugasa became a center for those seeking to indulge in all forms of hedonistic pleasures. It became known as the "City of Desire," and its reputation spread far and wide. Despite the occasional attempts by conservative groups to shut down the city, Jugasa has remained a vibrant hub of hedonism for centuries, attracting pleasure-seekers from all over the world.   And so it was that, many years after its founding, Jugasa still stood as a home of debauchery and excess, a city where one could indulge in every pleasure imaginable, no matter how dark or twisted. It was a city where anything was possible, for a price, and where the only limit was the depths of one's own desire.   Despite its reputation, Jugasa has managed to survive for centuries, thanks in part to the resourcefulness of its inhabitants. The people of Jugasa have developed a thriving black market, selling anything and everything imaginable to those willing to pay the price.


Jugasa is a melting pot of various races and ethnicities, all drawn to the city's reputation as a haven for those seeking pleasure and indulgence. While humans make up the majority of the population, tieflings, half-elves, and dwarves are also well represented.   The city's elite and most powerful citizens are predominantly human, with a particular concentration of tiefling families controlling many of the major businesses and enterprises within the city.   Those who live in Jugasa's slums and poorest neighborhoods are a mix of races, with tieflings and half-elves being overrepresented. They often struggle to make a living and are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse by the city's more powerful residents.


Jugasa is a city of debauchery, and its government reflects that fact. There is no single ruling body or leader, but rather a collection of powerful and influential individuals who hold sway over the city's various districts and establishments. This loose confederation of factions and guilds is known as the "Council of Sins."   The Council is made up of representatives from various groups within the city, including the brothel owners, the gambling houses, the drug dealers, and other similar establishments. Each representative has an equal vote in Council decisions, and the Council meets regularly to discuss matters affecting the city as a whole. Each representative has to "buy in" and the only way to get support, is by paying off compensations to their opposition, when there are any in important meetings.   Despite its lack of a formal government structure, the Council is surprisingly effective at maintaining order in the city. The various factions are able to work together to keep "crime" and "violence" to a minimum, and they often band together to defend against outside threats.   Of course, the Council's primary concern is ensuring that Jugasa remains a city of debauchery and excess. As such, they are often willing to turn a blind eye to illegal activities and questionable behavior, so long as it does not threaten the city's overall stability.

Industry & Trade

Jugasa's primary industry and trade revolve around pleasure and entertainment. The city is known for its numerous brothels, taverns, and gambling halls, which attract wealthy patrons from all over the world. The city's trade also extends to the sale of drugs, both legal and illegal. It has a thriving underground economy, including black market trade of illicit goods and smuggling, including a slave market and recognized humanoid-trafficking. This is largely controlled by powerful criminal organizations, such as the Thieves' Guild and the Black Market Syndicate.


Jugasa's infrastructure is not well-maintained compared to other cities. Many of the buildings are run-down and in disrepair. The city's sewer system is poorly designed and often causes flooding in the streets during heavy rain. The roads are bumpy and uneven, making travel by cart or horse difficult. Of course, all of this do not apply to those who have enough coin to live above the very high poverty line.   Jugasa has several docks along the nearby river, but they are not as busy as those in other cities due to the lack of trade in the area. The city does have a few inns and taverns, catering to the desires of its visitors, and these establishments are often bustling with activity.   Overall, Jugasa's infrastructure is not its strongest asset, but it does have a few notable structures and establishments that attract visitors.


Jugasa is a city of indulgence, where every desire is satiated. Its seven districts reflect the seven deadly sins, each catering to different kinds of debauchery. Despite its smaller size, it is one of the cities with the most districts. Each district is almost its own "District-state" in its own right, managed by wealthy criminals most of the time. Each district has an inner rich residential area, and slums, usually on the outskirts. Each district has its own unique character and attractions, but all of them share the common theme of indulgence and excess.   The Lust District: This is where the city's brothels and pleasure houses are located. It is a place of sensual delights, where visitors can indulge in every carnal desire.   The Gluttony District: Here, visitors can indulge in the finest foods and drinks, prepared by the most skilled chefs and mixologists. It is a place of culinary excess, where every appetite can be sated.   The Greed District: In this district, visitors can find the finest luxury goods and services, from expensive jewelry to designer clothing. It is a place of material excess, where money can buy anything.   The Sloth District: This is where visitors can relax and unwind, with massages, spa treatments, and other forms of pampering. It is a place of physical and mental laziness, where the stresses of life can be forgotten.   The Wrath District: Here, visitors can indulge in their darkest desires, from violent sports to extreme forms of entertainment. It is a place of aggression and anger, where people can release their pent-up frustrations.   The Envy District: This is where visitors can admire the beauty and success of others, while feeling envious of their achievements. It is a place of status and social climbing, where people can try to elevate their own position.   The Pride District: In this district, visitors can bask in their own glory, with exhibitions of their own talent and accomplishments. It is a place of ego and self-importance, where people can strive for recognition and admiration.

Guilds and Factions

The Lordly Association: This guild is located in the district of Pride, and it is made up of wealthy merchants and traders who deal in luxury goods and exotic treasures. They are highly influential in the city's politics and often use their wealth and power to sway decisions in their favor.   The Guild of Envy: Located in the district of Envy, this guild is made up of craftsmen and artisans who specialize in creating high-end, bespoke goods. They are highly competitive with one another and are always seeking to outdo each other in terms of skill and creativity.   The Enclave of Wrath: This guild is located in the district of Wrath, and it is made up of weaponsmiths and armorers, even mercenaries who create some of the deadliest weapons and armor in the land. They are highly skilled and highly respected, but they are also feared for their ability to create weapons that can cause untold destruction.   The Brewer's Guild: Located in the district of Sloth, this guild is made up of brewers, vintners, and distillers who create some of the finest wines, beers, and spirits in the land. They are known for their laid-back, easygoing lifestyle, and they are often the target of envy from other guilds.   The Coin Coalition: This guild is located in the district of Greed, and it is made up of bankers and financiers who control much of the city's wealth. They are highly secretive and are often accused of shady dealings, but they are also highly influential in the city's politics and are sought after by those who need financing for their ventures.   The League of Foodies: Located in the district of Gluttony, this guild is made up of chefs, bakers, and confectioners who create some of the most delicious and decadent foods in the land. They are known for their love of excess and are often accused of wastefulness, but they are also highly respected for their culinary skills.   The Guild of Asmodeus: This guild is located in the district of Lust, and it is made up of courtesans and pleasure-seekers who offer their services to those seeking pleasure and entertainment. They are highly sought after by the wealthy and powerful in the city, and they often use their charms to gain influence and power.   The (black market) Syndicate: This is a loosely organized group of smugglers, thieves, and other criminal elements who operate outside the law. They deal in illegal goods such as drugs, stolen goods, and contraband, and they are highly feared by the city's residents.   The Thieves' Guild: This is a more organized group of thieves and burglars who operate in the shadows of the city. They are highly skilled and are known for their ability to pull off daring heists and robberies. They are often hired by the city's wealthy to steal from their rivals, but they are also a constant thorn in the side of the city's militia agencies.

Points of interest

The Red Chalice: The most infamous brothel in Jugasa, the Red Chalice is a luxurious establishment that caters to the desires of the wealthy and powerful. The brothel is known for its beautiful courtesans and its strict privacy policy, which has kept its clients' secrets safe for generations.   The Grove of Temptation: This lush and inviting grove is located just outside of Jugasa and is rumored to be the site of a powerful druidic magic. The grove's magical aura is said to be able to tempt anyone who enters to give in to their desires, no matter how dark or twisted they may be. There are rumors that the Grove is in fact led by a group of Shadow Druids, but no one has ever been able to confirm them.   The Pit: A seedy underground fighting arena, the Pit is where some of Jugasa's toughest and most ruthless residents come to test their skills and win big money. The fights are brutal, and anything goes, making the Pit a favorite spot for thrill-seekers and those with a taste for violence.   The Black Market & Shadow Market: A network of hidden shops and markets, hidden beyond the slave market as its "legal" front. the Black Market is where Jugasa's criminal underworld conducts its business. Here, anything can be bought or sold, from rare magical artifacts to dangerous drugs and poisons. Those who venture into the Shadow Market do so at their own risk, as the vendors and patrons are known to be ruthless and unscrupulous. The Shadow Market on the other hand, is only open to a select few. Some knows it exists, and have said that it is only opened to the most dangerous of dealings, but never has any more information about it leaked.


Hedonistic Tourists, Curiosity Seekers, Spiritual Tourists, Adventurers, Merchants


The Gothic architecture is incorporated in all but the slums areas. The buildings in Jugasa are predominantly made of stone, with wood used for interior structures and roofing.   Traditionally, the people of Jugasa adorn their buildings with colorful murals, ornate carvings, and intricate stained-glass windows. They also use various symbols associated with the seven deadly sins to decorate their buildings, particularly in the respective districts representing those sins. Some of the more affluent citizens may also decorate their buildings with marble columns or evergold from the city of the same name, as well as other expensive materials to display their wealth and status.


Jugasa is located in an Irish-like landscape with a few swamps, making it a unique setting for a city of debauchery. The city itself is situated on a hill, providing a commanding view of the surrounding area. To the east of the city lies a large lake, providing a source of fresh water for the inhabitants of Jugasa.   The lake is also a popular spot for swimming, boating, and fishing, attracting many visitors to the city. To the west, the landscape becomes more rugged, with rolling hills and rocky outcroppings dotting the countryside.   Despite the natural beauty of the area, Jugasa is not known for its appreciation of nature. The city's focus on hedonism and excess means that most of its inhabitants are more interested in the pleasures of the flesh than the wonders of the natural world.   Overall, Jugasa's location provides a unique juxtaposition of natural beauty and debauchery, making it an interesting and intriguing location for travelers seeking a different kind of adventure.


Jugasa has a temperate oceanic climate with mild temperatures and high humidity. Rainfall is abundant throughout the year, with the wettest months being in late autumn and early winter. The city is occasionally affected by Atlantic storms, which can bring heavy rain and strong winds.

Natural Resources

Alcohol, Drugs, Aphrodisiacs, Art, Pleasure
Founding Date
40% Humans, 20% Elven, 20% Kobolds, 5% Tieflings, 5% Trolls, 5% Orcs, 3% Kitsunes, 2% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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