Natron Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Natron (Nah-Tron)

Natron has grown into a sprawling metropolis, with towering buildings and bustling markets that stretch as far as the eye can see. The city's architecture remains unique, as the buildings are still made from a blend of clay, ash, and charcoal. The dark color of the structures creates an eerie and mysterious atmosphere that is amplified by the flickering glow of street lamps.   The streets of Natron are now wider and more organized, with paved pathways and drainage systems that help prevent flooding during the rainy seasons. The city's buildings have also become more complex, with intricate designs and carvings adorning many of the structures. The architecture is now a mix of different styles, reflecting the diverse races that make up the city's population, while still using the typical materials that make up all buildings.   Despite the harsh environment, the people of Natron have continued to thrive, thanks to their skillful use of the resources available to them. The city's main exports include high-quality pottery, glassware, and textiles that are famous throughout the land for their beauty and durability. The artisans of Natron have also become experts in metalworking, crafting weapons and tools that are highly sought after by adventurers and warriors.   As the city has grown, so has its influence, and Natron is now known as a center of culture, trade, and innovation. The people of the city are proud of their achievements, and they continue to work together to create a better future for themselves and their families. Despite the challenges they have faced and continue to face, the residents of Natron have shown that with perseverance, anything is possible.


Dry Swamp/Temperate

Natural Resources

Clay, Ironwood Ash, Pottery, Woodwork
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Cinders
Large city
30% Halfling, 25% Human, 30% Dwarven, 10% Elven, 5% Others

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