Nepturos, The Ice Lord Myth in Argus | World Anvil
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Nepturos, The Ice Lord

Nepturos, The Ice Lord

Nepturos is the most fearsome and terrifying of all Elemental lords They were cold as the void itself. With their mastery over the frigid and aqueous forms of water, Nepturos killed their fellow Elemental Lords one by one, ultimately achieving complete domination over Argus after several hundreds of years. They transformed the world from a chaotic battlefield of elements into a frigid globe of ice, cooling down volcanos, and even the world's crust. During a final clash with Ragnaros and Terros, the death of both latter Elemental Lords against Nepturos caused an explosion so violent, Nepturos almost ended themselves. A shockwave went around the world several times and only those who were deep underground survived. Every other life was snuffed out in an instant. Thus was the terrible power of the Lords.   The people of Argus suffered under the cruel reign of Neptulios, as the world grew ever colder and darker. The star that used to shine during the day became gradually dimmer and dimmer. What they did not know, and could not know as they had no such advanced knowledge, is that their planet had been knocked out of its previous orbit, causing it to be much more elongated. Causing the planet to become nearly unliveable, if it was not for what little heat the world's core had left to give.   It is said that on the darkest and coldest day Argus had seen yet, a mysterious figure, armed with a large sword and golden armor, bright and hot as the stars itself errupted from the last volcano as it erupted with vigor that had not been seen before and flew towards the Elemental's Palace. Brightblade led humanity's armies against the tyrannical Neptulios, wielding his magical sword of blinding brilliance and heat, which is rumored to have been forged in the fires of Mount Calor during its only ever recorded eruption in actually recorded history. It was not Ragnaros' power. He was long dead and still reforming in the Plane of Fire. It is as if Argus itself wanted to fight back and aid Brightblade. The hero and Elemental Lord clashed in an epic battle, with Brightblade's sword blistering with heat that threatened to melt even the thickest of permafrost like a hot knife through butter. Not even Ragnaros' heat compared, as per hearsay in legends.   Despite his immense power, Neptulios was ultimately defeated by Brightblade's valiant efforts, and the people of Argus rejoiced as the frigid grip of winter slowly began to loosen. It was not enough to bring the world back from the icy grip of the void and permafrost, so as an ultimate effort to breathe back life into Argus the hero is said to have flown up high, then dove into Mount Calor as his radiance and heat could be felt around the globe, seemingly sacrificing himself to restart the world's core. The few people left, that had seen what had transpired that day began to lose hope, but a few days later, the once-frozen lands began to thaw, and the sun shone upon the planet once more where new life and flora began to bloom.   But Neptulios' legacy lived on, as the planet's orbit remained elliptical, causing the winters to be longer and more brutal than before. And though Neptulios was defeated, the memory of his evil deeds lingered in the minds of the people of Argus, who never forgot the suffering he had inflicted upon them, but neither did the heroic actions of Brightblade, the unknown hero who had sacrificed himself to save the world from the Elemental Lords and the Void.

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