Olidammara Character in Argus | World Anvil
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Olidammara embodies the whimsical essence of trickery, luck, and chaos. As a chaotic neutral god, Olidammara is revered for fostering a carefree and mischievous spirit among followers. Often depicted as a jovial trickster figure, Olidammara's domain encompasses the unpredictable nature of the underbellies of societies, encouraging spontaneity and cleverness and most of all, chaos.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Luck, Chaos

Holy Books & Codes

Whimsical Revelations: Tales of Olidammara's Trickery - This ancient and tattered tome is filled with stories, anecdotes, and parables that celebrate the unpredictable and mischievous nature of Olidammara. Each tale imparts a moral lesson wrapped in humor, emphasizing the deity's love for wit and cleverness. Many rogues and followers of Olidammara treasure this book as both entertainment and a source of inspiration for their own cunning exploits.   The Dance of Fortune: A Guide to Embracing Luck - A mystical scroll adorned with intricate illustrations depicting a dance of luck and chance. This sacred text explores the concept of luck as a force that ebbs and flows, providing guidance on how Olidammara's followers can navigate the unpredictable currents of fate. It contains rituals and practices believed to attract good fortune, making it a sought-after guide for gamblers, adventurers, and those who live on the edge. It also is rumored to have been written by the first ever Shadow Dancer to have existed.   The Reveler's Codex: Secrets of Joyful Anarchy - A leather-bound book filled with symbols, puzzles, and encrypted passages, The Reveler's Codex is said to contain the clandestine teachings of Olidammara's most devoted followers. It outlines rituals for raucous celebrations, hidden meeting places, and codes for communication among those learning the ways of underground operations. Possession of this codex is a mark of trust among the chaotic and free-spirited devotees who embrace the essence of Olidammara's teachings, but can be seen as probable cause to search someone, depending on how strict the city is.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Laughing Mask - This holy symbol takes the form of a stylized mask, capturing the essence of Olidammara's mischievous nature. The mask features a perpetual, joyful grin, with eyes that twinkle with a hint of playful mischief. Followers of Olidammara wear amulets or pendants bearing this symbol, believing that it brings luck and amusement in equal measure. The Laughing Mask is a subtle yet powerful emblem, representing the ever-changing and unpredictable nature of the deity   The Dancing Dagger - This holy symbol takes the form of a gracefully curved dagger in mid-twirl, symbolizing both the artistry and danger associated with Olidammara's teachings. The blade is adorned with intricate patterns, and its hilt is designed to resemble a swirling dance. Followers of Olidammara often wear small dagger pendants or have the symbol embroidered on their clothing, signifying their willingness to navigate the intricate dance of life with both finesse and boldness.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Dance of Chaos - See life as a grand dance, where spontaneity and unpredictability are virtues.   Cultivate Cleverness - The power of cleverness to overcome challenges and outsmart adversaries is one to strive to wield.   Find Joy in Revelry - Celebrate life's pleasures and revel in the company of others. Embracing joy is seen as a way to honor Olidammara.   Share the Spoils of Fortune - Acts of generosity towards those in need, dance partners and taking from those more fortunate are considered expressions of the deity's influence.   Respect your Dance Partners - While reveling in chaos, those "dancing" with you should be respected just as you respect yourself.


Fool's Day - Moonstone 1st - Followers of Olidammara kick off the season with a day dedicated to pranks, jests, and playful trickery. Revelers, share jokes, and engage in lighthearted competitions to honor the unpredictable and mischievous nature of their deity.   Moonlit Masquerade - Nightfall 1st - A night of mystery and revelry, where followers don masks and costumes to celebrate the beauty of disguise. The Moonlit Masquerade includes dances, storytelling, and feasting, creating an atmosphere of enchantment and camaraderie under the moonlit sky.   Eve of Everchanging - Brightblade 30th to Sunburst 1st - A reflective night where followers acknowledge the ever-changing nature of life. Celebrants share stories of personal growth, unexpected twists of fate, and lessons learned throughout the year. It is also a time for making resolutions to navigate the coming year's uncertainties with grace and adaptability.
Divine Classification

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