Ragnaros, The Fire Lord Myth in Argus | World Anvil
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Ragnaros, The Fire Lord

Ragnaros, The Fire Lord

Ragnaros is a fierce and powerful Elemental Lord who commands the power of fire. They are known for their fiery temper and their ability to reduce entire cities to ashes with a single breath. Ragnaros is often depicted as a legless, towering figure wreathed in flames, akin to a devil wreathed in a tornato of fire, smoke and ash with eyes that glow like molten lava.   Ragnaros is often associated with destruction, chaos and anihilation. Their followers are typically those who seek to cause havoc and spread destruction throughout the world. Some worship them as a god, offering sacrifices to gain their favor and power.   Ragnaros is also respected by many for his raw power and strength among those seeking chaos and anihilation. Those who can harness the power of fire often look to him for inspiration and guidance. Their influence can be felt in some parts of the world, from the volcanic regions where his power is strongest to the cities and towns where their followers have made their mark. It is throught that the desert used to be a lush paradise that was reduced to dust after many clashes against Terros, The Earth Lord.

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