Rakan Fo Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Rakan Fo (Rah-Kahn-Fo)

The city has expanded greatly since its founding, with new walls erected around the ever-growing city to protect it from the harsh desert elements and raiders that still occasionally plague the region. The walls are made of shimmering silverstone, a rare and valuable material that can only be found deep within the desert sands.   The city's architecture has evolved to incorporate the silversandstone in all its buildings, with sparkling silver roofs and towering spires that catch the light of the sun and moon. The streets are wide and bustling with activity, with vendors selling exotic spices, silks, and other goods from far-off lands. The main market square is a hub of activity, where traders from all corners of the world come to exchange goods and stories.   The city's water source, the aqueduct that brings fresh spring water from the nearby mountains, remains a marvel of engineering and a testament to the ingenuity of its people. The aqueduct has been expanded over the years, with new channels and reservoirs added to ensure a steady supply of water for the growing population.   The tiefling culture of Rakan Fo has thrived and evolved over the centuries, with their nomadic traditions melding with the urban lifestyle of the city. The people of Rakan Fo are known for their horsemanship and their expertise in camel breeding and training. The city's army is made up of skilled camel riders, feared throughout the desert for their speed and mobility.   The reason for the name name "Silversands" has to do with the sparkling silverstone that adorns the city's walls and buildings. Legend has it that the silverstone is imbued with magical properties that protect the city from harm and ensure its prosperity for generations to come.


In terms of social structure, the city is still primarily organized along clan lines, with ties of blood and marriage forming the basis of political and economic power. However, the clans have become more diverse over time, with tiefling clans intermingling with those of other races, and new clans emerging through the intermarriage of different groups.


Rakan Fo: The Silversands is a city-state governed by a council of leaders, made up of representatives from each of the city's districts. The council is led by a High Khan, a tiefling elected by the council members to serve as the city's leader for a term of five years. The High Khan is responsible for overseeing the city's affairs and making executive decisions, but must also work in collaboration with the council to ensure that the interests of all citizens are represented.


One of the most notable architectural features of Rakan Fo is its aqueduct system. The aqueducts bring fresh water from the nearby mountains into the city, providing a reliable source of water for the city's residents and agriculture. These aqueducts are built with sandstone arches and supported by pillars, creating an impressive feat of engineering.


The city is divided into two main areas, the old city and the new city.   The old city, where the original settlement was founded, features narrow and winding streets with buildings built close together for shade and protection against the harsh desert winds. Many of these buildings have intricate carvings and designs on their exteriors, showcasing the city's tiefling culture.   The new city, built during Rakan Fo's expansion, is more spacious with wider roads and larger buildings. The buildings in the new city often have more elaborate designs and decorations, showcasing the city's wealth and prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

The Sand Raiders: This guild is made up of expert desert trackers and skilled fighters who specialize in protecting caravans traveling through the dangerous desert terrain. They are also known for their ability to gather rare and valuable resources found only in the desert, such as exotic spices, rare minerals, and magical artifacts. This is effectively the city's Thieve's guild.   The Silverweavers: This guild is responsible for the city's flourishing textile industry, producing some of the finest silks and fabrics in the land. Their mastery of textile production and intricate weaving patterns is highly sought after, with their fabrics being used for everything from clothing to furniture upholstery. This is effectively an artisan's guild, specializing in magical jewelry and clothing.   The Waterkeepers: As the guardians of the city's water supply, this guild plays a vital role in keeping the city alive in the arid desert. They are responsible for maintaining the aqueducts that bring fresh water from the mountains to the city, as well as ensuring that the city's water is clean and safe to drink. They are also skilled in creating magical water constructs, such as fountains and irrigation systems, that help keep the city's gardens and crops thriving in the harsh desert climate. This is effectively a combination of a Mage's guild and Blacksmith guild.

Points of interest

Palace of the Silver High Khan, Grand Bazaar, Aqueduct


Adventurers, Art Enthousiasts, Merchants, Pilgrims, Scholars


The city is largely made up of tall, rectangular buildings with flat roofs made of Silversandstone or light-colored stone, giving the city a unified look. The buildings are adorned with intricate carvings of animals, mythical creatures, and geometric patterns.   The buildings are often connected by covered walkways, allowing people to move from place to place without being exposed to the harsh sun or sandstorms. The streets are wide and straight, allowing for the easy movement of camels and other pack animals.   One of the most notable features of Rakan Fo's architecture is the use of stained glass. Many of the buildings have large windows made of stained glass, creating a stunning effect as the sun shines through them.   The city's walls are also an impressive sight to behold, towering high above the surrounding desert. They are made of the same silversandstone as the buildings and are reinforced with earth magic to ensure their durability.


Located in the heart of the vast desert, surrounded by rolling sand dunes and rocky outcroppings. To the est, one can see the imposing silhouette of "The Shield", the mountain chain separating the Silversands from where the Fire Beetle City lies. The mountains are perpetually wreathed in dust devils and sand, but on a clear day, their rugged beauty is awe-inspiring.   To the west lies the great expanse of the desert then giving onto the sea, stretching out to the horizon in an unbroken sea of sand. On a clear day, the sun sets in a blaze of orange and red, casting long shadows over the dunes and painting the sky in vivid hues.   Finally, to the south-east lies the shimmering expanse of the Winding Serpent, a vast salt river that gleams like polished silver in the sun. At certain times of the year, when the light is just right, the river seems to shimmer and dance like a mirage, a trick of the eye that makes it seem as if the entire desert is awash in silver.


Arid Desert. Very hot during the day, very cold at night.

Natural Resources

Fine Textile, Exotic Apothecary, Spices, Silversand, Perfumes and Oils, Camels and other desert animals
Founding Date
Large city
40% Tieflings, 20% Dragonkin, 10% Human, 15% Dwarves, 5% Elves, 6% Halflings, 4% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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