Rengorr Geographic Location in Argus | World Anvil
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Rengorr (Renn-Gore)

In the years that followed the founding of Cold's Grasp, the world continued to thaw, but was still very much cold and devoid of much life. It was during this time that the elves who had been living underground for such a long time, the Drow, finally came out of the Underdark, which had been completely destroyed in the battle of Brightblade, sought to create a permanent settlement on the surface. Some of their bretheren preferred to continue living in the Underdark, away from surface dwellers. Those who decided to live a new life were drawn to the area near Cold's Grasp, where the land was still cold and harsh, but where magic ley lines seemed to flow more freely than anywhere else.   The elves knew that if they were to create a lasting home in this place, they would need to harness the power of magic. They searched for a way to anchor their new settlement to the land, and eventually found it in the form of a great tree – a tree of immense size and power, said to have been grown from a seed that had been brought from the mystical realm of the fey.   The elves called their new settlement Rengorr, in honor of their Queen who had braved the harsh climate and dangers of the surface to not only find a way for their people to survive, but also thrive. They built it around the great tree, using its roots and branches to anchor their homes and buildings. They used magic to coax the tree to grow, even in the harshest of conditions, and over time it became a symbol of their connection to the land and their mastery of the arcane arts. The tree eventually became big enough that it became their seat of power in later years. As it began forming a spire at its top, warped by the magic of the ley lines running through its roots it earned the nickname: The Arcane Spire.   The elves of Rengorr were known for their skill in magic and their deep connection to nature. They built their city to be a haven for all who sought to study the arcane arts and to learn from the wisdom of the natural world. The city grew and prospered, drawing in scholars and adventurers from across the land, all seeking to unlock the secrets of magic and nature.   But the elves of Rengorr never forgot their roots, or the hardships they had faced in the early years of their settlement. They remained closely connected to the people of Cold's Grasp, trading goods and knowledge, and working together to defend against the threats that still lurked in the frozen wilderness.   And so, Rengorr: The Arcane Spire, became a beacon of magic and learning in a world that was still recovering from the grip of the Water Lord. Its people were known for their skill and wisdom, and its giant tree stood as a testament to their strength and resilience.



Fauna & Flora

Typical "North American" Flora

Natural Resources

Wood, Mana Crystals, Mythrilwood, Mythril, Knowledge


Scholars, Sages, Magic-users, Druids
Alternative Name(s)
The Arcane Spire

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