Roht Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Roht (Roh-T)

Roht: The Evergold has evolved into a bustling mining metropolis over the past three centuries. Its population has grown exponentially, and the city has expanded well beyond its original walls. The city's dwarven heritage remains evident in its architecture, with intricate stonework, arched bridges, and towering spires that glitter with gold and precious stones.   It is now the largest supplier of evergold, silver, copper, and precious gems in the region. The city is a marvel of engineering, with its streets lined with shops, taverns, and bustling markets. The city's prosperity has attracted all manner of people, from skilled artisans and craftsmen to ruthless mercenaries and cutthroat traders.   Despite its growth, Roht has managed to maintain its traditional values and cultural identity. The dwarves are still the dominant demographic, and their traditions and customs are respected and celebrated throughout the city. The dwarves' love of fine craftsmanship and intricate designs can be seen in everything from the architecture to the jewelry and weapons produced in the city's many mega-forges.   The city is protected by formidable walls and an extensive system of underground tunnels and fortifications. These tunnels are not only used for defense but also for mining and transportation of goods. The city's economy is heavily dependent on mining, and many of its residents work in the mines, extracting valuable ores and gems from the surrounding mountains.   Roht's natural resources have also allowed for the development of other industries such as blacksmithing, jewelry making, and alchemy. The city is home to many skilled craftsmen who create beautiful and intricate works of art, as well as powerful magical items that are highly sought after by adventurers and nobles.   Roht - The Evergold is a shining example of the dwarven spirit of perseverance and hard work. Despite facing many challenges, the city has continued to thrive and prosper. Its residents are proud of their heritage and the role they have played in shaping the region's economy and culture.

Points of interest

Evergold Mine, Architecture in general


Miners, Architects, Engineers, Merchants





Natural Resources

Evergold, silver, copper, precious gems
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Evergold
Large city
73% Dwarven, 20% Gnomes, 7% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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