Selenta Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Selenta (Sseh-Len-Tah)

still stands as a proud city, with its ancient architecture, marble temples, and cobblestone streets, but has remained a relatively small and tight-knit community, with a population that has grown only moderately.   Its coastal location, combined with the salty breeze from the nearby lake, has made Selenta a popular destination for those seeking a quiet and peaceful retreat from the bustle of larger cities. The city's natural beauty, with its rolling hills and rocky cliffs overlooking the sea, has also made it a popular spot for artists and writers seeking inspiration.   The city's economy remains largely based on fishing and agriculture, with its fertile fields and orchards producing bountiful harvests of olives, grapes, and wheat. The Selentan people continue to hold their traditions dear, with the temple of their patron deity, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, standing as the heart of their community.   While some small changes have taken place in the city, such as the opening of a few shops and inns catering to visitors, the Selentans have worked hard to maintain their way of life and preserve their heritage. Despite the passing of centuries, the city remains a shining example of the beauty and power of faith and community.


In Selenta, the social classes are strictly divided and determined by one's station in the temple hierarchy.   The highest social class belongs to the high priests and priestesses who oversee the religious affairs of the city. They are considered to be the voice of the gods and hold great power over the population.   Beneath them are the lower priests and priestesses, who handle the day-to-day religious duties and administrative tasks.   Next are the merchants and craftsmen who cater to the needs of the temple and the city's inhabitants. They are considered to be of middle class and are respected for their skills and contributions to society.   Below them are the laborers, who do most of the physical work in the city, such as construction and agriculture. They are considered to be of lower class and have little power or influence.   Finally, there are the slaves, who are typically prisoners of war or criminals. They are treated as property and have no rights or social standing. However, some may be trained in specialized skills and be worth more to their owners. To this day, this is the only city where slavery remains officially legal.   Overall, Selenta's social structure is highly regimented and revolves around the temple's hierarchy, with little room for social mobility or change.   It should be noted that while there might be a high disparity in political power between classes, wealth is in fact nearly equally distributed.


Selenta: Divide Providence is a theocracy, meaning that the religious leaders hold both the spiritual and political power in the city. The government is headed by the High Priestess, who is considered to be the voice of the god who is worshipped in Selenta.   The government is supported by the followers of the goddess, who make up the majority of the population. They are loyal to the government and follow its orders without question. The government maintains its power through the use of the temple guards, who are trained soldiers that enforce the laws and protect the city.   Despite the religious nature of the government, Selenta is relatively tolerant of other faiths. Visitors are allowed to practice their own religions as long as they do not interfere with the practices of the goddess worshippers. However, those who openly oppose the government or its religion are not tolerated and are often punished severely.

Industry & Trade

Selenta's economy is heavily based on agriculture and fishing due to its coastal location and proximity to the salt lake. The city's farmers cultivate wheat, barley, and olives, while its fishermen bring in a variety of seafood, including saltwater fish and shellfish. The city also has a small but thriving craft industry, with skilled artisans producing pottery, textiles, and ceramics. These goods are sold locally and traded with nearby towns and cities.


Public works and services are provided by the government, including the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public buildings such as temples, libraries, and markets. The city also boasts a robust system of public transportation, including horse-drawn carriages and ferries.   Selenta is home to numerous public baths, theatres, and gymnasiums, which serve as social gathering places for the city's citizens. The theocracy encourages the pursuit of the arts and sciences, and the city is filled with museums, galleries, and libraries that house priceless works of art and literature, so long as they do not contradict the main faith.


Acropolis District: This district is located at the highest point in the city and is home to many of the city's temples, including the grand temple dedicated to the city's patron deity. The district is surrounded by sturdy walls and contains many statues and monuments to past rulers and heroes.   Market District: Located in the center of the city, the Market District is a bustling hub of commerce and trade. The district is home to many shops, stalls, and merchants selling a wide variety of goods.   Harbor District: As a coastal city, Selenta relies heavily on its harbor for trade and transportation. The Harbor District is located on the southern edge of the city and is home to many warehouses, docks, and shipyards.

Guilds and Factions

The Order of Tyr: This guild is a religious organization dedicated to the worship of the god of Justice, Tyr. They are responsible for the education and training of young scholars, and also act as advisors to the city's rulers. The members of this guild are highly respected and influential, and many go on to hold positions of power in the city's government or become paladins to serve in the city's Guardians of Faith army.   The Selentian Brotherhood of Artisans: This guild is made up of skilled craftspeople who specialize in the creation of fine pottery, sculpture, and other decorative arts. They are known for their intricate designs and attention to detail, and their work is highly sought after throughout the region. Members of this guild are often commissioned by the city's elite to create works of art to adorn their homes and public spaces.   The Brotherhood of the Salted Sail - A guild of skilled sailors and shipbuilders who specialize in navigating the treacherous waters of the salt lake and the southern sea. They are known for their extensive knowledge of sea creatures and underwater ruins, and are often hired by wealthy merchants and adventurers for their expertise.

Points of interest

Temple of the Tyr: A massive temple complex dedicated to the justice god Tyr. Its white marble pillars and shimmering blue mosaic tiles can be seen from miles away. Pilgrims from across the region come to offer prayers and offerings to the god of justice, and priests of Tyr can often be seen leading processions around the city.   The Pillared Market: A bustling marketplace that stretches for blocks in the heart of the city. The market is sheltered by a series of high stone arches and lined with vendors selling everything from fresh fish and exotic fruits to finely crafted weapons and armor.   The Academy of Philosophy: A center of learning and debate, the Academy is a prestigious institution that attracts scholars from all over the world. Students study subjects ranging from mathematics and astronomy to ethics and physics, and professors regularly hold public lectures and debates that draw large crowds while making sure to not upset the local authorities.   The Bronze Gates: The main entrance to the city, the Bronze Gates are a massive pair of ornately decorated bronze doors that tower over the road leading into Selenta. The gates are said to be enchanted, and can only be opened by the city's high priest using a special key. The gates are a symbol of the city's power and piety, and are frequently used in religious ceremonies and processions.


Pilgrims, Art Enthusiasts, Beachgoers, Clerics


Selenta: Divide Providence's architecture takes heavy inspiration from ancient Greece, with grand marble columns and sprawling temples dedicated to the gods. The city's structures are made of a mix of marble and sandstone, with some buildings decorated with intricate mosaics and frescoes. The city is divided into distinct districts, each with their own unique architectural styles. The main thoroughfare, known as the Grand Way, is lined with towering marble columns and adorned with statues of the city's founders and greatest heroes. In addition to the grand temples, there are also many smaller shrines and monuments scattered throughout the city, including statues of the various gods and goddesses worshipped by the citizens. The buildings in Selenta: Divide Providence are designed not just to be functional, but to be works of art in their own right, with many featuring intricate carvings and decorative elements. The city's walls are made of stone and are adorned with elaborate murals and frescoes depicting the city's history and mythology.


It is located in the coastal south, adjacent to the largest salt lake in the world. The city is situated on a series of hills that overlook the lake and the surrounding area. The terrain is rocky and hilly, with sparse vegetation and a dry, desert-like climate. The hills are connected by winding, narrow streets that are flanked by tall buildings, giving the city a sense of verticality. The buildings are constructed of a mixture of white marble, sandstone, and granite, with intricate carvings and sculptures adorning their facades. The city's walls are also made of stone and are several feet thick, giving it a formidable appearance. The lake itself is vast and stretches as far as the eye can see, its waters shimmering under the bright sun.


Mediterranean climate with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. The region receives most of its rainfall in the winter months, with occasional thunderstorms in the summer. The coastal location of the city also makes it prone to strong winds and occasional hurricanes, which can cause significant damage to the infrastructure but thanks to its sturdiness, damage is usually minimal.

Natural Resources

Salt, Fish, Sculptures
Founding Date
Large city
65% Humans, 10% Half-Elves, 8% Aasimar, 7% Dwarves, 5% Gnomes, 5% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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