Skartuun Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Skartuun (Sskar-Tu-Oon)

The city has undergone significant expansion since its founding, with sprawling residential districts now radiating out from the central palace. Despite the harsh winters and frozen tundra that surround it, Skartuun remains a beacon of civilization in the region.   The crystal structures that were the hallmark of the city's founding still gleam in the sunlight, but now they are accompanied by newer, more modern buildings of wood and stone.   Skartuun has thrived and became a major city, its crystal buildings and palaces shining brightly against the snowy landscape. The beast races that founded the city have formed a close-knit community, with mutual respect and cooperation being a cornerstone of their society. The Skartuunians have developed a unique culture that blends the customs of all their founding races.   Skartuun's advanced knowledge of crystal magic has also made it a destination for those seeking magical education. The Crystal Academy, a prestigious institution located in the heart of the city, offers courses in crystal magic, alchemy, and enchantment. The academy has produced many renowned wizards and sorcerers, and its research has led to new discoveries in the field of magical crystals.   The city's guilds have also expanded over the years, with new organizations springing up to cater to the various needs of the populace. The Beast Riders guild, in particular, has grown in prominence, with its members often patrolling the surrounding wilderness on their tamed beasts.   Despite its success, Skartuun has faced its fair share of challenges. The harsh winters and rugged terrain have made it difficult to transport goods and supplies, and bandit attacks are a constant threat to trade caravans. However, the city's leaders have worked hard to establish trade routes and security measures to protect their people and ensure the city's prosperity.   Skartuun has also had to contend with external threats. Its prosperity have made it a target for neighboring kingdoms seeking to expand their power. Skartuun has successfully defended itself against invasion attempts and formed alliances with neighboring tribes to ensure its safety.


As Skartuun is a city primarily inhabited by beast races, its demographics are heavily skewed towards those races. The most populous races in Skartuun are centaurs, followed by gnolls, minotaurs, and kobolds. Kitsunes, dragonkin, lizardfolk, and tabaxi are all present in smaller numbers.


In Skartuun, the social structure is based on tribal hierarchy rather than traditional classes. The ruling elite are made up of the chieftains of the various beast races that inhabit the city, with the strongest and most skilled warriors being the ones to rise to the top.   Below the ruling elite are the various clans and tribes, each with their own unique traditions and customs which then blended to become a more common culture to most inhabitants. These clans are led by their own chieftains who report to the ruling elite. Within the clans, the hierarchy is based on strength and skill, with the most formidable warriors and hunters holding the most prestige and respect.   At the bottom of the social ladder are those who are not affiliated with any particular clan or tribe, such as travelers and outsiders. They are often viewed with suspicion and treated with caution until they have proven themselves in battle or through some other noteworthy accomplishment. Even then, they may struggle to gain acceptance and respect among the established tribes and clans for the way outsiders treat them when visiting their own cities.

Industry & Trade

The crystal industry is the city's main source of income, with merchants from all over the world coming to purchase the beautiful crystals and gems. The crystals and gems are also used to create intricate jewelry and ornamental items, which are sold both locally and abroad.   Apart from the crystal industry, Skartuun's beasts also rely on fishing and hunting for food. The frozen rivers and lakes surrounding the city are teeming with fish, and the nearby forests are home to various wild game such as deer and elk. The beasts have learned to hunt and fish sustainably, ensuring that their sources of food remain abundant.


Skartuun's infrastructure is uniquely designed to accommodate its beast race population. The city is built on top of a vast network of tunnels and caves that are carved into the permafrost with only igloo-like buildings sticking out of the ground, providing shelter and protection from the harsh weather conditions.   The buildings are constructed with durable materials, such as ice, wood and bone, and are built in a circular formation around the central Crystal Palace. The palace is the hub of the city's governance and serves as a gathering place for important events and ceremonies.   The streets and pathways are wide and winding, following the natural contours of the land. Water is drawn from underground wells and heated with geothermal energy, providing warmth and sustenance to the city's inhabitants. The city's infrastructure also includes a network of underground hot springs and geysers, which provide heat for cooking, bathing, and warmth during the colder months.


Crystal Market: This district is the economic hub of Skartuun. It is a bustling market filled with vendors selling all manner of goods and services. The district is named for the sparkling crystal structures that adorn the buildings and streets.   Frostwood: Frostwood is the residential district of Skartuun. It is where the majority of the city's citizens live, and it is filled with cozy homes and communal areas. The district is named for the towering frost-covered trees that grow throughout the area.   Ice Caves: The Ice Caves are a natural formation that has been transformed into a district of Skartuun. The caves are home to many of the city's artisans, who work with the ice and snow to create beautiful sculptures and carvings.   Beastlands: The Beastlands is a district where the city's animal companions and mounts are kept. Here, stables and kennels are found, as well as animal trainers and breeders.   Crystal Palace: The Crystal Palace is the heart of Skartuun's government. It is a massive structure made entirely of crystal, which serves as both the royal palace and the seat of power for the city's leaders. The district is heavily guarded, and only authorized personnel are allowed entry.

Guilds and Factions

The Windrunners Guild: This guild is made up of skilled traders and merchants who travel throughout the north, buying and selling goods from other cities and settlements. They are responsible for maintaining the city's economy, ensuring that necessary goods and supplies are available to the population, and negotiating trade deals with other guilds and nations.   The Snowshapers Guild: This guild is made up of powerful druids who are able to harness the magic of the natural world to shape and manipulate the snow and ice that dominates the landscape. They are responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure, keeping the streets and buildings clear of snow and ice, and creating intricate ice sculptures that are displayed throughout the city during festivals and other important events.   The Icebreakers Guild: This guild is made up of experienced hunters and trappers who specialize in tracking and taking down the dangerous creatures that roam the frozen wastes outside the city. They are also responsible for gathering the furs and hides of these creatures, which are used to make warm clothing and other necessities.   The Crystalcarvers Guild: This guild is composed of skilled artisans and craftsmen who work with the crystal found in the nearby mines to create beautiful and intricate sculptures and jewelry. Their creations are highly sought after throughout the world, and the guild is known for its strict apprenticeship programs and high standards of quality. Only families of the original founders are allowed in.   The Chieftain's Guild: This guild is the most powerful and influential guild in Skartuun. They are composed of the leaders of the various tribes in the city and they work together to make important decisions that affect the entire city. They are responsible for maintaining order and ensuring that the needs of the people are met. The Chieftain's Guild also serves as a mediator between the different tribes and helps to resolve disputes that arise between them. They are highly respected in the community and their decisions are often final. The Chieftain's Guild is known for their wisdom, strength, and ability to lead, and they are an integral part of the city's government and culture.

Points of interest

Crystal Palace: The most stunning and eye-catching attraction in Skartuun, the Crystal Palace is a magnificent structure made entirely of ice and crystals. It serves as the home of the chieftain and is a place of great importance in the culture of the beast races.   The Great Hunt: A massive arena where the beast races come together to participate in a tournament-style competition. The Great Hunt is a spectacle that draws in visitors from all over the world. It's a way for the beast races to show off their hunting and fighting skills and to honor their ancestors.   The Frozen Forest: A dense forest that covers a large part of the city's outskirts, the Frozen Forest is home to all manner of creatures, including dangerous predators and elusive prey. Many of the beast races make their living by hunting in the forest and selling their spoils in the market. But the forest is also home to ancient ruins and hidden treasures, making it a popular spot for adventurers seeking fame and fortune. Skartuun considers this area still part of their territory, so it is not rare that foolish adventurers are found dead and never come home. Outsiders seen in this forest that are without a permit from the Chieftain's Guild are killed on sight, they are considered for all intents and purposes poachers, although Skartuun has been quite lenient when those poachers seem to only kill for what they need to survive and leave, or are part of the beast races.


Spiritual seekers(Shamans), Adventurers and treasure seekers, Cold climate enthusiasts, Naturalists, Beast races


The architecture in Skartuun: Crystal Palace is heavily influenced by the beast races that make up its population. The buildings are often made from local materials such as ice, stone, and animal hides, and are designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape. The structures often incorporate natural elements, such as the curved horns of a minotaur or the scales of a dragonkin, into their design.   Another common feature of Skartuun's architecture are the numerous totem poles scattered throughout the city. These totems are carved from wood, stone, and bone, and are often adorned with the skulls, antlers, and other trophies of hunted beasts. Each totem pole tells a story or represents a specific beast or tribe, and they serve as a way to honor and remember the city's rich history.   In addition, Skartuun is also known for its elaborate underground tunnels, which serve as both a transportation network and a way to escape the harsh winter weather. These tunnels are carved into the permafrost and connect various districts of the city, and are often decorated with intricate carvings and glowing crystals.


Skartuun: Crystal Palace is located in the north of the world, where a thick layer of snow and permafrost covers the landscapes. The city is surrounded by forests and the ocean. From Skartuun, visitors can enjoy stunning views of the Northern Lights illuminating the night sky and the vast snowy tundras stretching out as far as the eye can see. Additionally, the city's highest point offers an unparalleled view of the Crystal Palace's shining towers and the magnificent clear, starry night sky.


Skartuun, being located in the far north, experiences an extremely cold and harsh climate. Temperatures remain well below freezing for most of the year, and snow and ice are prevalent in the landscape. The summers are brief and mild, and even then, the temperatures rarely rise above freezing. Despite the harsh conditions, Skartuun's people have adapted to the climate and built their city to withstand the brutal winters.

Natural Resources

Furs, Herbs, Permafrost, Ice Crystals, Large fish
Founding Date
21% Centaurs, 20% Gnolls, 15% Minotaurs, 10% Kobolds, 8% Kitsunes, 7% Dragonkin, 4% Lizardfolk, 4% Tabaxi, 1% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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